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Attended Workshops
Dr. Medhat Mahar Abd elatif El-amawy :: Workshops / Conferences:
Workshop / Conference
Certificate of attendance of DIAIDF CME Program on latest updates and advances in clinical diabetes offered by IDF and american association of continuing medical education committee in 13 october 2016, Cairo
Certificate of attendance and post graduate training course achievement 52nd international Congress of Allergy and Immunology in collaboration with the American College of Allergy and Immunology and the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology at Alexandria, Egypt. 2/2017
Certificate of Attendance and participation as speaker in 3rd Conference of Internal Medicine Department, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Cairo. 5/2017
Certificate of attendance Chronic Urticaria Scientific Forum, Cairo, Egypt in 4th August 2017 Presented by Prof. Marcus Maruer Professor of Dermatology and Allergy and Director of Research at the Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Allergie-Centrum-Charité of the Charité - Universitätsmedizin in Berlin.
Certificate of attendance 3rd Delta Diabetes Association Annual Congress , Egypt 5/ 2016
Certificate of attendance of DIAIDF CME Program on latest updates and advances in clinical diabetes offered by IDF and American Association of Continuing Medical Education Committee in 13 october 2016, Cairo
Certificate of attendance of annual scientific conference of internal medicine department, Benha faculty of medicine in April 23-24 /2015.
Certificate of attendance of 2nd Annual Conference of Rheumatology Department , Benha Teaching Hospital in Collaboration with Egyptian Society of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology (EGYSIR) at august 2015
Certificate of attendance of Nephro-Benha Congress on '' Recent Advance in Clinical Nephrology '' at October 2015
Certificate of attendance of 49th international congress for allergy and immunology in collaboration with the French society of allergy and immunology at 19-21 Feb /2014 accreditation by the American association for respiratory care (AARC).
Certificate of attendance post graduate training course in immune deficiency disorders with Alexandria society of allergy at Feb/2014.
Certificate of attendance of annual meeting of Arab society of diseases of breathing difficulty and allergy (ASBDA) in 16-17 April 2014
Certificate of attendance of 17th annual congress of fever and liver diseases for Benha fever hospital in collaboration with the Egyptian society of hepatolgy , gastroenterology and infectious diseases at 25/Dec./2014 .