Statement of Prof. Mona Salem Mahmoud Zaazaa:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): منى سالم محمود زعزع
Faculty: Education
Department: Methodology
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Curriculum and Methods of Teaching
Minor Speciality: curriculum and Methods of Teaching English
Current position: Vice Dean
Office address: Al_Qalubyia_Benha_Egypt
Work phone: 0133227523
Alt. e-mail:

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Associate professor Banha FOE Egypy 2008-1-1 1970-01-01
• Assistant professor Dhahran Aljanoub Faculty of Education, King Khaled University Saudi Arabia 2004-1-1 2013
Lecturer Faculty of Education, Banha University Egypy 2001-1-1 2008
Assistant teacher Banha FOE Egypt 1996-1-1 2001
• Demonstrator Faculty of Education, Banha University Egypt 1991-1-1 1996
Professor Banha Faculty of Education - banha University Egypt 2014 until now

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
Passion for the profession 2017
معايير الدراسات العليا لقطاع كليات التربية - قسم المناهج وطرق التدريس بكلية التربية - جامعة بنها 2016
سبرنجبورد: تمكين المرأة خبرات متبادلة المجلس الثقافي البريطاني 2016
• NileTesol and AUC conference XVIII, “Navigating a Way Forward: Innovating and E-novating in TESOL”, 28-29, Jan. 2014
The 6th conference for Banha Faculty of Education “Education and horizons of what’s after the Arab Spring”, 102 July 2013
• The annual 9th scientific day at Deanship of Scientific Research, King Khaled University 2012
the First International Conference on E-Learning in the Arab World: Challenges and Perspectives for Development, The Egyptian E-Learning University, Cairo 9-11 July 2012
the First International Conference on E-Learning in the Arab World: Challenges and Perspectives for Development, The Egyptian E-Learning University, Cairo 9-11 July 2010
• The 21st conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology “Developing curricula between originality and novelty” Ein Shams Guest House, 28-29 July 2009
The 20th conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology “Curricula and cultural identity” Ein Shams Guest House, 30-31 July 2008
• The 19th conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology “Developing curricula in the light of standards” Ein Shams Guest House, 25-26 July 2007
The Egyptian Society for Curricula and Instruction 18th conference, Cairo- Ain Shams 2006
• The 17th conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology, Ein Shams Guest House 2005
Pre-convention Institute, Egyptesol, Sheraton Hotel, Giza 2004
CDELT Symposium 2004
• The AUC conference 2004
Cairo conference for Returned Participants 2003
Kalubia 1st Symposium, Hassan Abo Bakr Experimental School, Alkanater 2003
Egyptesol Conference 2003
• The 15th conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology “Curricula and the contemporary life” Ein Shams Guest House 2003
Cairo conference for Returned Participants 2003
• The 14th conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology “Curricula in the light of the concept of performance” Ein Shams Guest House 2002
The CDELT Symposium 2002
Cairo conference for Returned Participants 2002
The ESP Conference, Alexandria 2001
• The 13th conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology “Curricula and the contemporary knowledge and technological revolution” Ein Shams Guest House 2001
• Egyptesol Convention: Best Practices in EFL 1999
Cairo conference for Returned Participants 1997
Cairo conference for Returned Participants 1995
2nd Cairo Conference for Returned Participants 1995
Cairo conference for Returned Participants 1994

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Banha FOE PhD 2001
Banha FOE MSc 1996
Banha FOE BSc 1990

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Egyptian Association for Reading and Literacy Membership
Egyptian Society for Curricula and Instruction Membership
TESOL International Membership
EgyptESOL Membership
Association of Arab Educators Membership
Panel of Consultants of Faculty of Education Journal Banha University Membership
Panel of Consultants of Faculty of Education Journalm SohagUniversity Membership
Panel of Consultants of Faculty of Education Journal Menoufia University Membership

Committees details:

Committee Year
• رئيس لجنة التدريب والتوعية بوحدة ضمان الجودة والاعتماد بكلية التربية، جامعة بنها 2017
عضو لجنة تقييم الخطة الاستراتيجية لكلية العلوم 2017/2022 2017
عضو لجنة تقييم الخطة الاستراتيجية لكلية الزراعة 2017/2022 2017
عضو لجنة تقييم الخطة الاستراتيجية لكلية الآداب 2017/2022 2017
عضو لجنة المكتبات بكلية التربية 2017
عضو لجنة التخطيط الاستراتيجي بكلية التربية 2017
نائب رئيس لجنة التخطيط والدراسات الاستراتيجية بالوحدة المركزية للتخطيط الاستراتيجي بجامعة بنها 2017
عضو اللجنة المركزية للتخطيط تلاستراتيجي بجامعة بنها 2017
عضو لجنة متابعة تنفيذ خطة كلية هندسة شبرا الاستراتيجية 2017/2022 2017
عضو لجنة متابعة تنفيذ خطة كلية الآداب الاستراتيجية2017/2022 2017
• Setting standards for the teachers of English at pre-service (STEPS), IELP-II, 2000-2002 2016
preparing “Faculty Self Study Report” for the year 1433 and 1434, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, KKU 2016
• The libraries committee, Banha Faculty of Education 2016
• Selecting the participating proposals in the Cairo Conference for Returned participants, IELP-II 2016
لجنة تطوير لائحة الدراسات العليا بكلية التربية ببنها 2016
رئيس لجنة التدريب والتوعية بوحدة ضمان الجودة و الاعتماد بكلية التربية ببنها 2016
عضو لجنة المشاركة المجتمعية بوحدة ضمان الجودة و الاعتماد بكلية التربية ببنها 2016
لجنة التربية العملية باكلية التربية ببنها 2016
• عضو لجنة تطوير لائحة الدراسات العليا بكلية التربية. 2016
• عضو لجنة المشاركة المجتمعية بوحدة ضمان الجودة والاعتماد بكلية التربية، جامعة بنها، 2016
• عضو لجنة شؤون خدمة المجتمع والبيئة بكلية التربية بجامعة بنها 2016
• The Cultural Affairs, Banha Faculty of Education 2016
preparing “Faculty Self Study Report” for the year 1433 and 1434, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, KKU 2016
• Head of the “Committee Preparing the English Language Program Report”, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, KKU 2016
• Head of the “Committee Preparing the English Language Program Report”, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, KKU 2016
• Member of the principal committee of quality. Faculty of Sciences and Arts, KKU 2016
• Head of the Schedules’ committee at the Faculty of Sciences and Arts, KKU, 2010 to 2013 2016
• Member of the subcommittee of quality. Faculty of Sciences and Arts, KKU 2016
• Member of the quality committee at the Faculty of Sciences and Arts, KKU, 2010 to 2012 2016
• Head of the committee of e-learning at the Faculty of Sciences and Arts, KKU 2016
Member of the academic counseling and guidance, at the Faculty of Sciences and Arts, KKU 2016
• Head of the Cultural Activity Committee, the Faculty of Education at Dhahran Aljanoub, Saudi Arabia, 2006 to 2008 2016
• Head of the teaching practice committee at Faculty of Education at Dhahran Aljanoub, Saudi Arabia, 2005 to 2009. 2016
• Team of preparing the financial and administrative regulations for the Center of Assessment and Evaluation, Banha Faculty of Education 2016
• Team of preparing the Code of Ethics of evaluation and examination for the Center of Assessment and Evaluation, Banha Faculty of Education, 2016
• Management Council of the Unit of Quality Assurance, Banha Faculty of Education 2016
• The libraries’ committee, Banha Faculty of Education 2016
• Pre-service teacher evaluation, Banha Faculty of Education 2016
• The national committee of setting standards for the content of the English language from K-12, Ministry of Education 2016
• The team of evaluating in-service teachers in collaboration with the National Center of Evaluation and Examinations, 2001-2003 2016
• Evaluating the pre-service teachers, Banha Faculty of Education, 1991-2001 2016
• عضو لجنة إعداد الميثاق الأخلاقي للتقويم والامتحانات بمشروع تطوير نظم التقويم والامتحانات بكلية التربية ببنها 2013/ 2014 – 2014/ 2015 2015

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2014
1-• Seminar on “The academic national reference standards, the faculties of Education sector: Presentation and analysis”, by Dr. Abouelseoud Mohamad Ahmad, Banha Faculty of Education, March
2-Attending training entitles "Writing program specifications and curriculum maps: Higher education, NAQAA, 6-7 Jan
Scientific Activities of 2013
3-• “Preparing the self- study report of the program”, Deanship of Academic Development and Quality, KKU, April
4-• “Total quality management in higher education”, Deanship of Academic Development and Quality, KKU, April
5-• “Strategic planning: Concepts and applications”, Deanship of Academic Development and Quality, KKU, April
6-• “Using Sonako for language labs”, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, KKU,
7-Attending training on “Effective presentations”, the professional development of staff members’ project, Banha University, 26-28 Nov.
8-Attending training on “Microsoft word”, the professional development of staff members’ project, Banha University, 16-17 Dec.
9-Attending training on “Statistical analysis in the scientific research”, the professional development of staff members’ project, Banha University, 9-12 Dec
10-Attending training entitled "The ethics and behaviors of the university work”, the professional development of staff members’ project, Banha University, 2-4 Dec.
Scientific Activities of 2012
11-• “Using the latest web programs and websites in education”, Deanship of Academic Development and Quality, KKU, April
12-“Standards of developing electronic courses”, Deanship of Academic Development and Quality, KKU, April
13-“E-teaching skills”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, Nov.
14-• “The Camtasia Studio program for making videos”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, Dec.
15-“Monitoring students through the Blackboard LMS”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, Dec
16-• Enhancing communication and interaction through the Blackboard LMS”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, Dec.
17-• “Designing an electronic course that helps the student”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, Dec.
18-• “Designing an electronic course that helps the learners”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, Dec.
19-“Evaluation the students through the Blackboard LMS”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, Dec.
Scientific Activities of 2011
20-“Using Elluminate Live for virtual classrooms”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, March
21-• “Applying the Quality Matters measures”, Quality Matters Association in collaboration with KKU, Dec.
22-• “The importance of quality and development in higher education”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, Dec.
23-“Activating the electronic activities”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, May
24-• “Using the system Questionmark for electronic tests”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, May
25-• “Using the educational open sources in e-learning”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, May
26-• “Using the Articulate Program for designing electronic lessons”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, May
27-• “Using electronic activities”, “The role of the teacher in centering learning around the student”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, April
28-“Electronic tests”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, March
29-• “How to prepare a course description and its report”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, Dec.
30-• “The role of the teacher in centering learning around the student”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, March
31-• “Building the Blackboard 9.1”, “The role of the teacher in centering learning around the student”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, March
32-• Activating the Blackboard 9.1”, “The role of the teacher in centering learning around the student”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU, March
33-“E-learning”, Faculty of Medicine, Abha, in collaboration with the Deanship of E-learning, KKU,
34-• “The role of the teacher in centering learning around the student”, Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate Live), the Deanship of E-learning, KKU,
35-“How to prepare a course specification and its report”,
36-• “X-Class for language labs”, Faculty of Education, KKU
Scientific Activities of 2007
37-Attending training on • “Using technology in teaching”, the professional development of staff members’ project, Banha University, 9-11 July
38-Attending training on “Information Technology”, the professional development of staff members’ project, Banha University, 7-9 July
Scientific Activities of 2006
39-Attending training on “Writing scientific research and international publishing”, the professional development of staff members’ project, Banha University, 25-26 July
40-Attending training on • “Course design”, the professional development of staff members’ project, Banha University, 17-19 July
Scientific Activities of 2003
41-• ICDL, Faculty of Information and Computers, Shebein Elkoum
42-training on • English for business correspondence workshop, Sept. 18-19, 2003, IELP-II
43-• National Teaching practice workshop, March 1-12, 2003, IELP-II
Scientific Activities of 2002
44-Standards for Teachers of English at Pre-service (STEPS): Getting ready to develop standards, Jan. 19-23, 2002, IELP-II
45-TOT: Standards awareness raising seminars, Dec. 14-17, 2002, IELP-II
46-Best Practices videos: Materials orientation workshop, Sept. 29- Oct. 3, 2002, IELP-II
47-Standards for Teachers of English at Pre-service (STEPS): Developing STEPS standards and indicators, Sept. 7-12, 2002, IELP-II
48-TOT: Primary Methodology resources, June 29- July 11, 2002, IELP-II
49-Standards for Teachers of English at Pre-service (STEPS): Moving ahead with developing standards, April 24-28, 2002, IELP-II
Scientific Activities of 2001
50-•Materials' development workshop, Feb. 13-17, 2000, IELP-II. Piloting and field testing SPEER, Jan. 31-Feb. 2. 2001, IELP-II
Scientific Activities of 1999
51-• Follow-on institute for primary educators' workshop, Cairo, Oct. 27-28, 1999, IELP-II Winter Institute: Communicative EFL methodology and supervisory skills for primary educators, Jan. 31-Feb. 4, 1999, Cairo, IELP-II.
Scientific Activities of 1998
52-Creative use of audio-visual media. Nov. 21-25, 1998, Alexandria, IELP-II


• Participating in the activities of the community service at the Faculty of Sciences and Arts, 1432 to 1434 in collaboration with the Deanship of Community Service and Continuous Education for training on: o ICDL o Cambridge International License for Computer technology Skills. o The English language
• Conducted a weekly workshop for training staff members (in Arabic and English) on using and activating e-learning in collaboration with the Deanship of E-learning, King Khaled University, 1433 and 1434.
Conducted workshop on “Preparing the Matrix of the Program’s Intended Learning Outcomes”, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Dhahran AlJanoub in collaboration with the Deanship of Quality and Academic Development, King Khaled University, 1434 (in Arabic and English).
Conducted workshop on “Preparing Course Specifications”, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Dhahran AlJanoub in collaboration with the Deanship of Quality and Academic Development, King Khaled University, 1433 & 1434 (in Arabic and English).
Conducted a workshop on “Preparing Course Report”, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Dhahran AlJanoub in collaboration with the Deanship of Quality and Academic Development, King Khaled University, 1433 and1434 (in Arabic and English).
Conducted a workshop on “Preparing the Program Specification”, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Dhahran AlJanoub in collaboration with the Deanship of Quality and Academic Development, King Khaled University, 1433- 1934 (in Arabic and English).
Conducted a workshop on “Educational Evaluation and Testing”, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Dhahran AlJanoub in collaboration with the Deanship of Quality and Academic Development, King Khaled University, 1433.
Conducted a workshop on “Current trends in Educational Evaluation”, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Dhahran AlJanoub in collaboration with the Deanship of Quality and Academic Development, King Khaled University, 1433.
Conducted a workshop on “Staff Members’ knowledge about quality in the higher education”, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Dhahran AlJanoub in collaboration with the Deanship of Quality and Academic Development, King Khaled University, 1432 (in Arabic and English).
training staff members on using the computer for Examination Control Purposes, FOE for Girls, Dhahran AlJanoub, 1427.
Trained staff members on “Teaching Practice”, FOE for Girls, Dhahran AlJanoub in collaboration 1425.
• Training kindergarten teachers on using the new curricula, Banha Faculty of Education, 2014.
• Developed material for training the Educational Technology staff members at the faculties of Specific Education nationwide on standards of the educational technologist, ERP, July.
• Training the Educational Technology staff members at the faculties of Specific Education nationwide on standards of the educational technologist, ERP, Alexandria, Aug. 2008
• Participating in the training “Developing the language skills of the English language teachers” at the faculty of education, Banha University in collaboration with the Public Service Center, 2006.
• Training primary, intermediate and secondary stage teachers on “Professional development”, ERP, Alexanderia, 2005.
• Training primary, intermediate and secondary stage teachers on “Professional development”, ERP, Beni Seuif, 2005.
• Training inservice teachers, supervisors and school principals for promotion to higher positions in collaboration with the Directorate of Education, Kalubyia Governorate, 2003-2004.
Participated in a workshop for training staff members and teachers on preparing and using rubrics and exemplars through in collaboration with Mary Lou Mcloskey & Barbara Thoronton and other staff members, Cairo, 2003.
Participated in a workshop for training staff members and teachers on preparing and using rubrics and exemplars through in collaboration with Mary Lou Mcloskey & Barbara Thoronton and other staff memebrs, Alexanderia, 2003.
• Participating in training of “University Teacher Education”, Banha Faculty of Education, 2001-2003.
Participated with Prof. Dr. Zeinab Elnaggar in four training workshops for training the English language supervisors in Cairo Governorate on standards and their and applications in teaching and supervision as a part of awareness raising of standards in collaboration with IELP-II, 2002.
• Participated in training the English language staff members, and primary stage teachers and supervisors on using SPEER and other resources for teaching the primary stage, IELP-II, 2002.
• Preparing the training material for the kindergarten and staff members in Egypt on strategic planning and university SWOT analysis, ERP, 2008.
• Evaluating the Way Ahead Series, taught at the language schools, in the light of the national content standards, Macmillan Publishing Company, 2001.
Participated in the oral discussion of a Ph.D. thesis entitled "The effectiveness of using the reciprocal questioning ‘ReQuest’ strategy in developing EFL reading comprehension skills among first year secondary school students” , 2014.
Participated in M.A. oral discussion entitled "• The effect of the Transactional Teaching Approach on the reading comprehension and strategic reading of EFL Secondary stage students, 2012.
• A grant to the USA for attending TESOL Summer Institute, Fullbright, 1993.
• The main researcher at the research project “The effect of blended leaning on Saudi English language majors' achievement in Methods of Teaching English , teaching performance , attitude towards e-learning and the teaching profession”, the first project for the Deanship of Scientific Research, KKU, 2012.
• Co- researcher at the research project “The effect of using the wiki on social responsibility and resilience among KKU students”, the second project for the Deanship of Scientific Research, KKU, 2012.
• Deputy director for monitoring and quality assurance, the project of developing systems for evaluation and examinations, Banha Faculty of Education in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, 2013/ 2014.
• مقرر ندوة "التنمية المهنية للمعلمين: الواقع والمأمول" بكلية التربية ببنها، إبريل 2016.
• منسق دورة إعداد المعلم الجامعي بكلية التربية ببنها، 2016
External reviewer of the simulation visit for the Chineese Language Program at Cairo University, October 2022 مراجع خارجي بزيارة المحاكاة لبرنامج اللغة الصينية بجامعة القاهرة، أكتوبر 2022
External revierwer of the simulation visit for the French Language Program at Cairo University, October 2022 مراجع خارجي بزيارة المحاكاة لبرنامج اللغةالفرنسية بجامعة القاهرة، أكتوبر 2022