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Assist. Mustafa Samy Mustafa Sherief :: Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Full Mission scholarship – provided by the Egyptian Higher Education Ministry in 2016, Egypt. Award
University of Queensland International Scholarship (UQI) – provided by the university of Queensland in 2016, Australia. Award
Princess Alexandra Hospital Postgraduate research support scheme – provided by Queensland Metro-South Health in 2016, Australia. Award
Internship in structural biology – provided by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in 2015, China. Award
Australian Aid Scholarship for talented Africans in 2014 – provided by the Australian government. Award
Introductory Academic Award – provided by the university of Queensland in 2016, Australia. Award
English for Research Academic Purposes – provided by the British Council in 2013, Tanzania. Award
Queensland Cancer Council Membership
The university of Queensland Alumni Association Membership
CasTwas Association Membership
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