Statement of Prof. Neveen Ahmed Abdul-Hafeez Ibraheem Soliman:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): نفين احمد عبد الحفيظ سليمان
Faculty: Medicine
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Clinical & Chemical Pathology
Minor Speciality: Immunology
Current position: Prof. Emeritus
Office address: Benha Faculty of Medicine- Clinical Pathology Department- Immunology Unit
Mobile 1: 012-23258861
Work phone:
Alt. e-mail:

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Full Professor of Clinical & Chemical Pathology, Zagazig University Egypt 1998-1-1 1970-01-01
Consultant Clinical Pathologist Northern Area Armed Forces Hospital, Egypt 1990-1-1 1995
Assistant Professor of Clinical & Chemical Pathology, Zagazig University Egypt 1992-1-1 1998
Consultant for Clinical Pathology "Child Survival Project" sponsored by Egyptian Ministry of Health Egypt 1988-1-1 1989
Lecturer of Clinical & Chemical Pathology Zagazig University Egypt 1988-1-1 1992
Assistant lecturer in Clinical & Chemical Pathology Department Zagazig University Egypt 1983-1-1 1988
Demonstrator in Clinical & Chemical Pathology Department Zagazig University Egypt 1982-1-1 1983
Full Professor Faculty of Medicine- Benha University Benha-qalubia- Egypt. 1995 until now

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
Reform of Undergraduate Medical Program in Egypt-NARS 2017 2017
Lab. Medicine, Future Possibilities & expectations 2017
The 10th Pan Arab Blood Transfusion conference 2015
The 1st international Scientific Congress of Pediatric Department, Benha University "New Trends in Primary Pediatric Healthcare" 2011
The 17th Annual Conference of The Arab Society of Infectious Diseases & Antimicrobials (ASIDA) 2011
International Thalassemia Day. 12th International Thalassemia Conference 2011
22th Annual Conference of The Egyptian Society Of Laboratory Medicine 2011
Annual Conference of the Egyptian Society of Haematology (ESH) 2010
Annual Conference of the Arab Society of Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobials (ASIDA) 2010
The 29th Congress of The Egyptian Society of Nephrology & Transplantation 2010
The XXI Annual Conference of the Society of laboratory Medicine 2010
1. Bridging Africa and Fostering International Development Capacity Building Cooperation Immunology & Research (7th FIAS Conference) 2009
1. 15th Annual Conference of The Arab Society of Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobials (ASIDA) 2009
1. The Annual Conference of Laboratory Medicine 2009
Total Quality Management in Medical Laboratories 2009
The 2nd Conference of Clinical Pathology Department- Laboratory Investigations: Facts and Figures 2009
7th FAIS Conference (Bridging Africa and Fostering International Development Capacity Building Cooperation Immunology & Research 2009
The 15th Annual Conference of The Arab Society of Infectious Diseases & Antimicrobials (ASIDA) 2009
Laboratory Medicine; Update. Third Conference of Clinical pathology Department in collaboration with The Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine, Menoufiya University. 2008
17th Annual Conference of the Egyptian Society of Infection Control . "Surveillance … Realities & Aspiration. 2008
The Annual Conference of Laboratory Medicine 2008
The 9th Annual Scientific Conference- Clinical Pathology Department-Faculty of Medicine-Mansoura University (Laboratory Imprints for early diagnosis) 2008
The 3rd Conference of Clinical Pathology Department "Laboratory Medicine; Update" 2008
Quality System for Proper Infection Control Implementation. (Workshop) 2007
2nd Eastern Mediterranean Regional Infection Control Congress-The 16th Annual Conference of the Egyptian Society of Infection Control "Networking for Better Achievement" 2007
The Annual Conference of Laboratory Medicine. 2007
The 2nd Eastern Mediterranean Regional Infection Control Congress. The 16th Annual Conference of the Egyptian Society of Infection Control "Networking for Better Achievement" 2007
The 2nd Eastern Mediterranean Regional Infection Control Congress. The 16th Annual Conference of the Egyptian Society of Infection Control "Quality System for Proper Infection Control implementation" 2007
The Annual Conference of Laboratory Medicine. 2006
The 10th Conference Franco-Egyptienne Dimmunologie et Biologie Moleculaire une decade de cooperation (Cell & Immune therapy). 2006
Second International Conference of Benha Children Hospital. 2003
3rd International Congress of The International Federation of Infection Control (IFIC) -10TH Annual Congress of The Egyptian Society of Infection Control (ESIC) " Infection Is a Rising Menace, Control Is a Global Demand" 2001
The 9th International Conference of The Egyptian Society of Infection Control (ESIC). 2000
International Congress on Molecular Genetics "Molecular Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization workshop" at Faculty of Science Ain Shams University. 1999
Egyptian Medical Syndicate, Post congress training course on PCR. 1995

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University PhD 1988
Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University MSc 1983
Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University. BSc 1978

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
1)The General Syndicate of Egyptian Doctors (1979 to date). memberships
2)Member of Arab Society of Clinical Chemistry since, 1980 memberships
3)Member of the Arab Society of Laboratory Medicine since 1988 memberships
4)Member of Egyptian Society of Tumor Marker Oncology since, 1988. memberships
5)Consultant for Clinical Pathology in "Child Survival Project" sponsored by Egyptian ministry of Health 1987-1988 membership
6)Member of Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine since, 1982 membership
7)Egyptian Society of Infection Control 1996 membership
8)Member of INICC since 2009 membership
Gulf War award
Certificate of Appreciation for sharing in Quality applications during the Accreditation of our faculty 2015 Award

Committees details:

Committee Year
2) Head of Central Research Laboratory committee at Benha University Hospitals. (CIQAP) 2012
Member of The Faculty of Medicine Committee 2012
Member of The University Hospitals Adsministrative Committee 2012
3) Member in the committee of Higher Studies at Benha Faculty of Medicine 2011
1) Member in Infection control Committee at BENCH 2010
4) Member in Quality Committee at BENCH 2010

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2017
1-Attendance of the "Reform of Undergraduate Medical Program in Egypt- NARS 2017
Scientific Activities of 2015
2-Attendance of the 10th Pan Arab Blood Transfusion Conference (April 29-30, 2015)
3-Chairperson and Speaker in the 5th Annual Conference of Clinical Pathology in collaboration with the Egyptian Society of Transfusion Medicine { Lab. Medicine, Future Possibilities & Expectations} 27/4/2015
Scientific Activities of 2009
4-EQAS for Haematology
Scientific Activities of 2007
5-Member of the triad committee for evaluation of projects from Mansoura University.
Scientific Activities of 2006
6-Teaching Immunology course for MSc students at Menoufiya University
7-Teaching Immunology course for MD students at Menoufiya University
Scientific Activities of 2004
8-Sharing in evaluation of papers & researches submitted for promotion to the position of full professors.
Scientific Activities of 2003
10-Sharing in teaching Immunology intensive course for students at Mansoura University
11-Sharing in the organizing committee for the Annual Medical Conference Benha Faculty of Medicine
Scientific Activities of 2000
12-Sharing in the organizing committee for the Annual Medical Conference Benha Faculty of Medicine


infection control
HLA Typing