Statement of Dr. Omar Abd ELasis Aly Allam:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): عمر عبد العزيز على علام
Faculty: Medicine
Department: Anatomy Medicine
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality:
Minor Speciality:
Current position: Asst. Professor
Office address:
Mobile 1: 0105162020

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Director of Veterinary Teaching Hospital Faculty Veterinary Medicine- Benha Univ Egypt 1998-1-1 1999
Associate professor Faculty Veterinary Medicine- Benha Univ Egypt 2008-1-1 2012
Lecturer Faculty Veterinary Medicine- Benha Univ Egypt 2003-1-1 2007
Member of Governmental mission at USA Ministry of High Education Egypt 1999-1-1 2003
Assistant lecturer Faculty Veterinary Medicine- Benha Univ Egypt 1997-1-1 1999
Demonstrator Faculty Veterinary Medicine- Benha Univ Egypt 1993-1-1 1997

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
time organization " at the COMPUTER center of banha university 2009
test evaluation " at the COMPUTER center of banha university 2009
scientific research pattern 2007
WORD ,IT,DOS" at the COMPUTER center of banha university 2007

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Egyptian Society of radiology Membership
egyptian anatomy and emberyology Society Membership
Partnership , Ministry of health 1993-1998 Award

Committees details:

Committee Year
A member of egyptian society of anatomy 0
A member of egyptian society of radiology 0
A member of the National Committee for the New Programs of the Egyptian Universities (CIQAP). 0
A member of scientific equipment of anatomy department .Benha University. 0
A member of Electronic portal team of Benha University 0

Scientific Activities:
