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Dr. Ossama Awde Abdelghany Ibrahim Saleh :: Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
the definition and Information Technology Unit services 2015
المؤتمر العلمى الثالث بعنوان استراتيجيات التطوير فى علم الحركه الرياضية والتدريب الرياضى (رؤية مستقبلية) .. 2015م 2015
ورشة عمل لمنسقين الأقسام العلمية بكلية التربية الرياضية - جامعة بنها 2015
Annual Scientific Conference of the Department of Sport Training and Movement Sciences entitled "Global developments in the sports training system and its relationship to the practice of Applied Science Physical Education basic" Faculty of Physical Education - Banha University 04/08/2014 2014
• Annual Scientific Conference of the Department of Sport Training and Movement Sciences entitled "Application of sports science using modern technology in the light of the labor market," College of Physical Education - Banha University requirements. 2013
teaching and learning strategies 2012
• International Scientific Conference titled "societal developments and their relationship to practice sports," University of Kafr el-Sheikh - Thursday 08/11/2012. 2012
• International Scientific Conference titled "pharmacological approaches to the future of the Arab Sports" Tanta University - Friday, 09.11.2012. 2012
updated vision and mission of the College 2011
Creating the internal quality system 2010
Strategy for scientific research 2010
The ideology of quality - the characterization program - scheduled 2009
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