Statement of Prof. Salama Abd El azem Hussen:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): سلامة عبد العظيم حسين
Faculty: Education
Department: Management
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Comparative Education & Educational Administration
Minor Speciality: Educational Administration
Current position: Dept. Head
Office address: Al_Qalubyia_Benha_Egypt
Work phone: 0133227523
Alt. e-mail:

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
Participating in the scientific conference for the comparative education and the educational development department ...”Arabian and foreign models in quality assurance and accreditation in the collegial education” the faculty of education, tanta university which is held in Tuesday, the 17th of march 2009. 2009
Participating in the workshop of the experienced individuals of the process of altering the systematic framework for the pre collegial education through the strategic plan to develop education which is held in the fourth of February 2008. 2008
Participating in the workshop,, “the total evaluation …what after the national center for examinations and the pedagogical evaluation in Wednesday 9-7-2008. 2008
Participating in the national conference for developing the secondary schools education and the policies of admitting in the high education , which is sponsored by president mohammed hosni mubarak, which is held in the conferences center in al-azhar university, in the period from 11 to the 12th of may 2008. 2008
Participating in the third workshop, building the first strategic strategy for the ministry of education which is held in the 8th and the 11th of January 2007. 2007
Participation in the first workshop , the workshop of the experienced individuals in order to shape the targets, and defining the programme with the most priority to the strategic planning for the ministry of education which is held in the 9 and 10 of august 2006 2006
Participating in the second workshop, experienced workshop in order to shape the principles and defining the programme with the most priority to the strategic planning for the ministry of education which is held in the 8th and 9th of November 2006. 2006
Participating in the conference of administrators meeting “the educational accreditation in the pre collegial education, supervised by the strategic planning and policies unit, in the ministry of education, in the period from 19 to he 20th of November 2006. 2006
Participating in the conference of developing the school based education which is held in the period from 5 to the seventh of November 2006 in Jordan, in accordance to the ministerial decision number 386 in 22—10—2006 2006
Participating in the annual scientific conference for the psychological department ;the special education between the real state and the targeted, which is held in the conferences hall in banha university in the period from 15 to the 16th of july 2006. 2006
Participating in the Arabian children with special needs conference : the current situation and the horizons of the future, the Arabian center for education and development in the hosting house in ein shams university which is held in the period from 26 to the 27th of November 2006. 2006
Participation in the first workshop , the workshop of the experienced individuals in order to shape the targets, and defining the programme with the most priority to the strategic planning for the ministry of education which is held in the 9 and 10 of august 2006. 2006 2006
Participating the third scientific conference,, “accreditation, and the quality assurance of the educational institutions, the Egyptian association for the comparative education and the educational administration in cooperation with the faculty of education in bani sueef , in the period from 29 to the 30th of January 2005 2005
Participating in the first conference for the project of the capacities of teaching staff and the administrators “the current state and the future”, the center of developing the collegial performance, el-mansoura university, which is held in the 19th of November 2005. 2005
Participating in the seventh scientific conference : the quality of education in the Egyptian school …measures, challenges, and the opportunities in the faculty of education , tanta university, in the period from 2 to the 29th of april 2002. 2002

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
الإدارة التعليمية والتربية المقارنة بكلية التربية ببنها PhD 2009
 أستاذ مساعد بقسم الإدارة التعليمية والتربية المقارنة بكلية التربية ببنها PhD 2009
 قائم بأعمال رئيس قسم التربية المقارنة والإدارة التعليمية بالكلية PhD 2006
 مدرس بقسم التربية المقارنة والإدارة التعليمية بكلية التربية ببنها PhD 2004
The attitude of the administrators of the high schools, toward the bad behaviors the workers commit- a field study, the faculty of education, el-mansoura university, may 2004, the pages from 221 to 305. an individual research. PhD 1998
 مدرس مساعد بقسم التربية المقارنة والإدارة التعليمية بكلية التربية ببنها MSc 1998
 معيد بقسم التربية المقارنة والإدارة التعليمية بكلية التربية ببنها BSc 1995

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
1) the modern education association Membership
1) award of the best updated research to the development of teaching staff and administrators capacities programme in 2008, which is titled : time and meetings administration in cooperation with professor salama abdel azeem , in the same college and department. Award

Committees details:

Committee Year

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2008
1-1. training Programs of Quality and Assurance of schools for Teachers
