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Prof. Salwa Ibrahim Mahomud khalil Mohamed :: Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
Conjunction Conference between faculties of nursing, Helwan and Benha Universities and Nursing Sector Committee of Egyptian Universities 12. 'Application of Quality Standards In Nursing Education And Practice' 2009
Actively Participated with nursing students group in "Environmental Maintenance Projects", for cities and villages of Kulubia Governorate aim to living in clean and safety environment.. 2006
Participated in a series of Training Program on "Educational Technology Methods and Devices" By Faculty of Education Enhancement Project (FOEP) (9Days) March, 2006. 2006
Presented lectures on workshop about "Effective Teaching Skills", organized by Benha Faculty of Nursing in collaboration with Health Workforce Developments Project in association with Johns Hopkins University.. 2006
Participated in a series of Training Program on "Educational Technology Methods and Devices" By Faculty of Education Enhancement Project (FOEP) (9Days) March, 2006. 2006
Organizer for "First Aid Camp" during the 1st week for The University Youth Students. organized by Benha University. 2006
Actively Participated with nursing students group in "Environmental Maintenance Projects", for cities and villages of Kulubia Governorate aim to living in clean and safety environment.. 2006
Actively participated in workshop about " Skills of Scientific Research" organized by Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP 2005
Actively participated in the 3rd Nursing Conference for General Organization of Educational Hospitals and Institution on "Together Towards Quality of Nursing Care", Cairo.. 2005
 Actively participated in the 1st National Nursing integration Intiative : "Clinical Teaching Skills Toward Future", At Mansura University by Faculty of Nursing in collaboration with Higher Education Enhancement Project (HEEPF) ( 2 Days ). 2005
Participated in workshop about "Effective Teaching Skills" which organized by Health Workforce Development Project in Collaboration with Johns Hopkins University (1 week),. 2005
Organizer for seminar about "Psychosocial Status for Adolescence" by Benha Faculty of Nursing 2005
Attended Seminar on "Quality Assurance and Accreditations In Education Project" organized by National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project Committee. 2005
Attended The 1st National Conference on " Scientific Research System" organized by The Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research 2005
Actively participated in workshop titled "Leadership Challenges Program" which organized by Alexandria Faculty of Nursing in collaboration with Health Workforce Developments Project with Johns Hopkins University 2005
Actively participated in workshop titled "How to Write Project Proposal for Internal Quality Assurance". At Quality Assurance and accreditation center, Ain Shams University 2005
Attended workshop on "Toward Quality Assurance Education". At Benha Faculty of Nursing 2005
Participated as lecturer in training program for Benha University Hospital Nurses about "Patients Rights, Hospital Policy and Recording and Reporting System" January 2005
Attended Workshop on "Quality Assurance System in Education" organized by Benha Engineering Faculty, in collaboration with National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project Committee 2005
Attend series of workshops on "Suggestions for Higher Educational Development Projects". By Zagazig & Benha Universities 2005
Attended the 8th International Nursing Conference in Alexandria Faculty of Nursing Conference on "Updates in Nursing". 2004
Attended seminar on "Quality Assurance in Education". At Benha Faculty of Nursing 2004
Actively participated in "The African Nurse Leaders Course about Modern Management Techniques in Nursing", organized by Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population and The Egyptian Fund For Technical Cooperation with Africa in association with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (for 45 days). 2004
Present lecture on workshop titled "First Aid in Emergency for Technical Instituted of Nursing 2004
Organizer and Lecture for workshop on "Infection Control Methods", by Benha Faculty of Nursing 2003
Attended seminar on "Research Presentation in Scientific Events", at Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University organized by Ain Shams Scientific Nursing Group ( ASSNG) in collaboration with Quality Nursing Care and Research Association 2003
Attended workshop on "Cairo Nursing Faculty Self-Study". At Cairo Faculty of Nursing 2003
Actively participated on workshop about "Research Methodology and Basic Statistics" at Benha Faculty of Nursing organized by Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine in collaboration with Quality Nursing Care and Research Association 2002
Actively participated in workshop Titled "Curriculum Review Formative Stage: Phase II " by Cairo Faculty of Nursing. 1995
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