Statement of Prof. Sanaa Salah EL-din Mohammed Hammoda:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): سناء صلاح الدين محمد حموده
Faculty: Medicine
Department: Anaesthesia
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality:
Minor Speciality:
Current position: Professor
Office address:
Mobile 1: 0127264255
Alt. e-mail: Dr.sanaa

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
professor Benha University Egypt 2004-1-1 2012
Assistant professor Benha University Egypt 1998-1-1 2004
Leciturer Benha University Egypt 1991-1-1 1998
Assistant leciturer Benha University Egypt 1984-1-1 1991
demonstrator Assiut University Egypt 1983-1-1 1984
Resident physician Benha University Egypt 1980-1-1 1983
Assiut University Egypt 1979-1-1 1980

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
Annual Conference of Anesthesia, IC. Tanta faculty of medicine 2009
13th Alexandria Anesthesia and ICU Conference.Alexandria university 2009
Annual Conference of Anesthesia, IC , Pain management . Ministry of Awkaf. EL-Doaa hospital. 2008
New Irends in Anesthia, ICU and pain management.Ministry of Awkaf. EL-Doaa hospital. 2006
18th Anesthesia international Egyptian conference. Cairo .Egypt 2002
4th conference of anesthesia and icu . Tanta faculty of medicine 2001
6th international congress on patient safety during Anesthesia, IC , Pain management . Cairo .Egypt 2001
6th ASAIC Annual Conference on Mishaps and adverse reactions in Anesthesia and ICU 2000
3rd Annual conference in anesthesia and icu. Tanta faculty of medicine 2000
1st conference on pediatric anesthesia, icu and pain management. Minia university 2000
4th international congress on patient safety. Cairo .Egypt 1999
5TH Pan Arab congress on anesthesia, icu and pain relief 1997
2nd international Symposium on patient monitors in Anesthesia, IC . 1994

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Benha University PhD 2004
Benha University PhD 1991
Assiut university MSc 1983
Assiut university BSc 1978

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Member of Egyptian Sociaty of Anesthesia Membership
Member of teaching staff in Benha University Membership
Member of teaching staff in Benha faculty of nursing Membership

Committees details:

Committee Year

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2003
1-Member of DAR-HEKMET in zefta
Scientific Activities of 2000
2-Member of Zefta club
Scientific Activities of 1999
3-Participation at the awarness campaign for diseases
Scientific Activities of 1998
4-member of supervision staff in Benha university
Scientific Activities of 1994
5-Trainer for nurses in Benha Hospital
Scientific Activities of 1991
6-member of teaching staff in Benha university
7-Treatment of human diseases in surrounding community
Scientific Activities of 1984
8-Trainer for doctors in the theatre
