Workshop / Conference |
Year |
Violence. 28th Annual Conference Quality & Medicine. Held at Department of Forensic Medicine, Tanta University, Faculty of Medicine. |
2013 |
Annual Medical Conference “Improving Health Care and Emergency Services in Delta Region” Held at Benha University Conference Hall and Palmyra Hotel. |
2013 |
“Violence Free World Begins with Violence Free Home”. Held at Big Hall, Learning Resources Center, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt. |
2011 |
“Competitive Research Funds” at Benha Faculty of Medicine |
2010 |
"Research Methodology" at Benha Faculty of Medicine |
2009 |
The Conference Titled “Recent Advances In Forensic Medicine & Clinical Toxicology” Held at Forensic Medicine & Clinical Toxicology Dept, Faculty of Medicine, El-Mansoura University. |
2009 |
The 17th Annual Scientific Conference of of the Egyptian Society for Biological Anthropology, Titled “Anthropometric Differences Betweem Male & Female” |
2009 |
The 24th Annual Congress of Tanta University, Faculty of Medicine, Titled “Geriatric Health care & Protection”. |
2009 |
The 7th Scientific Conference of the Forensic Medicine & Clinical Toxicology Department, Faculty of Medicine-Cairo University |
2009 |
" Intellectual Property Rights " held at Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha University |
2009 |
" Acupuncture as an Adjuvant Therapy in Some Cases of Poisoning & Addiction " held at Tanta Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University |
2009 |
" Making Revitalization & Quality Performance of Baby Friendly Hospitals A Priority in Egypt " held at Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha University |
2009 |
Successful Grant Writing " held at Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha University |
2008 |
" Stem Cell Between Dream & Reality " held at ElKanater El-Khyria by Benha Faculty of Medicine. |
2008 |
"Research Ethics" at Benha Faculty of Medicine |
2008 |
The 5th Annual Conference of Qaluiobia Medical Syndicate for Liver & GIT Diseases held at Hall of the municipal council in Benha |
2007 |
The Confers Titled “Electromagnetic Waves: Its Effects on Human” held at General Syndicate for Doctors, Cairo. |
2007 |
10th Congress of Benha Fever Hospital Titled “Fever & Liver Diseases” Held at Benha National Democratic Party. |
2007 |
The 2nd International Conference of Natural Toxins, held at Air Defense Hotel, Cairo. |
2006 |
The 1st Scientific Conference of Emergency Medicine held at Benha National Democratic Party, Titled “Emergency in Medicine” |
2000 |
The 4th Annual Conference of Department of Surgery in Collaboration With the Egyptian Society of Surgeons, held at Benha Faculty of Medicine |
2000 |
The 3rd Scientific Conference of the Assembly of the Islamic Medical of Ebin El-Nafees, Arafa Hotel, Tanta, Titled “Update Management of High Risk Patients” |
1999 |