You are in:Home/Publications/Cognitive Beliefs and some self -regulated learning among students teachers with different learning styles المعتقدات المعرفية وبعض استراتيجيات التعلم المنظم ذاتيا لدى عينة من طلاب الجامعة ذوى أساليب التعلم المختلفة

Prof. DR Amal abdelmohsen alzoghby :: Publications:

Cognitive Beliefs and some self -regulated learning among students teachers with different learning styles المعتقدات المعرفية وبعض استراتيجيات التعلم المنظم ذاتيا لدى عينة من طلاب الجامعة ذوى أساليب التعلم المختلفة
Authors: د امل عبد المحسن الزغبي amal abdelmohsen zaki alzoghby, mahmoud awadalla salem
Year: 2009
Keywords: Cognitive Beliefs -self -regulated learning -learning styles
Journal: Journal of Arab Studies in Education & Psychology ASEP
Volume: 3
Issue: 3
Pages: 213-157
Publisher: Journal of Arapb Studies in Education & Psychology ASEP
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper amal abdelmohsen alzoghby_pdf (2).pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The study aimed to identify the differences in the self- regulated learning strategies and the Epistemological beliefs of students with different learning styles (superficial - deep - collective destination), In order to achieve this goal, 120 students from the first year of primary students were selected (the Science, Mathematics and Social Studies departments) at the Faculty of Education. The students' cognitive beliefs scale and the self-organized learning strategies of university students, prepared by researchers, were applied. The study found statistically significant differences between the students' averages in the different dimensions of the Epistemological beliefs scale in the three groups. The study also found statistically significant differences in the various dimensions of the measure of self- regulated learning strategies strategies in the three groups of learning styles except the self-reward strategy dimension. Keywords: Epistemological beliefs- self- regulated learning strategies- learning styles

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