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Prof. mohamed saad ismail abdelmoaty :: Publications:

تأثير التدريب المتباين على كثافة ومحتوى معادن العظام والقوة العضلية ومستوى أداء الركلات لدى ناشئ كرة القدم
Authors: محمد سعد اسماعيل
Year: 2016
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: المؤتمر العلمى الدولى السادس " تحديات الرياضة بالوطن العربى " كلية التربية الرياضية بالعريش – جامعة قناة السويس
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper mohamed saad ismail abdelmoaty_2.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The effect of concurrent training on the density and content of bone minerals, muscle strength and the level of shooting performance for Young football players *Mohamed saad Esmail Aim: Identify the effectiveness of concurrent training on the density and content of bone minerals and muscle strength And the level of performance of young football players. Method : The research was applied to a sample of football players and applied physical, skill and physiological selections. Results : - concurrent training had a positive effect on the muscular capacity of the men and women of the study sample. - concurrent training has a positive effect on the level of kicks performance in the sample. - concurrent training has a positive effect on bone density and bone content in the research sample. Conclusion: - The use of differentiated training for football originators is important in developing muscle capacity for both men and arms and skill level in football - Conduct similar studies on different competitions using differentiated training.

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