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My sons and daughters students of Benha University
Colleagues, faculty members and university staff
At the outset, I would like to welcome you all. I would like to thank the political leadership for this precious trust. My leadership of Benha University is a great responsibility and a trust I cherish. I also wish to thank all the former and current leaders of the University.
Since its foundation, Benha University has sought to maintain a distinguished position in the Egyptian higher education system and to participate effectively in the comprehensive development projects and the challenges facing the society. This has been clearly emerged during the many stages that the university has experienced throughout the tenure of its former presidents and deputies.
Dear colleagues; Benha University is the first expertise house for Kalyobiya governorate. Therefore, there must be a clear vision in which all parties in the community participate and explore their views to reach a road map and achieve the status sought by Benha University due to its great history and geographical location.
You may agree with me that there has been a great development in the concept of the University's role in serving the society over the past 20 years. Therefore, we must work through this axis and work on its development within the coming period of time. The university is an institution whose role is not limited to education and scientific research, but also to serve the community and the environment.
In order to achieve this, the University administration is currently taking serious steps towards modernizing and developing its infrastructure and academic and research programs, its international accreditation, accessing to an efficient and effective administrative system capable of coping up with technological changes and supporting student initiatives and activities within the colleges and linking them to the needs of the society in all its institutions.
We also seek to achieve a modern model university life by strengthening the positive values and traditions of the university, consolidating the culture of the institution and collective work, giving decentralization a wider application, granting broad powers within the colleges and the independency of decision making while bearing due responsibility as long as it is in our interests, and the public good is our goal.
The University makes supporting university hospitals as a top priority, as this is the University's front and reputation to win the confidence of the local community. This is done by improving the performance and development of medical and therapeutic services provided to visitors of the university hospital as well as employing scientific research to solve the society problems and serve the economic and social development issues.
Dear Colleagues, I cannot fail to remind you that the public universities are experiencing strong competition, which requires all of us to work and exert a lot of efforts to raise the name and status of Benha University.
Finally, as President of Benha University, I am proud of the achievements of our University in various sectors. I hope that every member of the University's family will participate with sincerity, honesty and creativity to achieve our mission and realize our goal as an outstanding university in the Egyptian higher education system.
May Allah, The Almighty, guide us towards the progress and prosperity of our universities and serving our beloved country “Egypt”.
With our Best Regards,
President of Benha University |