الصفحة الحالية:الصفحة الرئيسية
د. أحمد فايق محمد محمد الجندى
الدرجة الوظيفية: مدرس
الوظيفة الإدارية الحالية:
الوظيفة الإدارية السابقة:
الكلية: كلية التجارة
القسم: إدارة
البريد الإلكتروني التعليمي: ahmed.algendy@fcom.bu.edu.eg
البريد الإلكتروني البديل: dr.ahmedfaek@gmail.com
رقم الموبايل: 0121534388
الإسم العلمي: **********
البحوث [ عناوين(1) :: بحوث كاملة(1) :: ملخصات البحوث(1) ]
روابط (0) :: ملفات المقررات( 0) | مجموع النقاط :3
The mediating effect of big data analysis on the process orientation and information system software to improve supply chain process in Saudi Arabian industrial organizations [2022-05-24]
This study aims to investigate the nature of the relationship between Big Data Analysis as a mediator in Process Orientation (PO) and Information Systems Programming (ISP) to supply chains processes in Saudi Arabian industrial organizations. A stratified random sample of 357 managers and employees working in 37 industrial companies in Saudi Arabia was tested. The study relied on the descriptive and analytical research methodology. The results indicated that there is a significant indirect effect of Big Data Analysis (Planning, Procuring, Manufacturing, Delivering) as the mediator on Process Orientation and Information Systems Programming (ISP) and (PO) to improve supply chain process as well as organizational effectiveness. The researcher made a number of recommendations for the Saudi Arabian manufacturing firms to develop analytical capabilities in managers in order to utilize big data analysis as a tool to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the organizational system. A wide spread awareness program about the benefits to adopt big data analysis and management information systems may be adopted to ensure an efficient supply chain system. © 2020 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada. moreالاهتمامات البحثية
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