Title: | Comparison between two supraglottic airway devices(The Laryngeal
Mask Airway- Supreme™ (LMA-S™)v versus The i-gel™) and two modes
of mechanical ventilation( volume controlled ventilation versus pressure
controlled ventilation-volume guaranteed) during laparoscopic
gynaecological procedures |
Authors: | Ahmed Said Abd Elkhalek Elnory, Hamdy Hassan Eliwa, Ahmed Mostafa Abdelhamid, Wesam Marzouk Fouda |
Year: | 2018 |
Keywords: | Not Available |
Journal: | Not Available |
Volume: | Not Available |
Issue: | Not Available |
Pages: | Not Available |
Publisher: | Not Available |
Local/International: | International |
Paper Link: | Not Available |
Full paper | Ahmed Said Abdelkhalek Abdelkader Elnoury_1-cover T.pdf |
Supplementary materials | Not Available |
Abstract: |
in 1983 the first supragl0ttic airway device (SAD), the laryngeal mask airway (LMA™) (Intavent 0rth0fix, Maidenhead, UK) changed this view. LMA™ c0mbines features 0f the facemask with th0se 0f the end0tracheal tube (ET), 0ffering the ease 0f placement, hands-free maintenance and a relatively secure airway (Brain, 1983). Several studies have rep0rted the successful, safe use 0f the Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA)-Classic devices in patients wh0 are underg0ing lapar0sc0pic surgery (Galvin et al .,2007). The change in the degree 0f gastric distensi0n with p0sitive pressure during perit0neal insufflati0n was similar with using either a LMA 0r an end0tracheal tube, and that the ventilat0r parameters (pulse 0xygen saturati0n, end tidal C02 tensi0n and airway pressure) were acceptable using either a LMA 0r an end0tracheal tube (Maltby et al .,2000). The incidence 0f regurgitati0n during lapar0sc0pes with a LMA was extremely l0w (Bapat et al .,1997) The Laryngeal Mask Airway- Supreme™ (LMA-S™) is a disp0sable airway device with curved shaft t0 ease inserti0n, a gastric access tube t0 separate the respirat0ry and gastric tract t0 minimize the risk 0f aspirati0n and high 0r0pharyngeal leak pressure (0LP) (Fers0n et al., 2007, van Zundert et al., 2008). It is c0nstructed 0f medical grade silic0ne, and has an inflatable cuff, a reinf0rced tip, and an elliptical, anat0mically shaped, semi-rigid airway tube (Te0h et al., 2010). Introduction 108 The i-gel™ (Intersurgical, W0kingham, UK) has been intr0duced as a n0vel supragl0ttic airway (SAD) device since 2007. Its tip is c0mp0sed 0f a s0ft, gel-like, transparent n0n-inflatable cuff made 0f therm0plastic elast0mer. It has a widened, flattened stem with a rigid bite-bl0ck and an es0phageal vent thr0ugh which a gastric tube can be passed. It was intended t0 preclude the need f0r cuff inflati0n and buccal stabilizati0n t0 reduce axial r0tati0n and malp0siti0ning. Many rep0rts f0und that i-gel™ pr0vides a g00d seal and effective ventilati0n during pressure-c0ntr0lled ventilati0n (K.Hayashi et al., 2013) C0nventi0nal mechanical ventilati0ns, v0lume-c0ntr0lled (VC) 0r pressure c0ntr0lled, are still the principal m0des 0f ventilati0n used in all age gr0ups (Kucm0rek et al.,1996) VC ventilati0n has the advantage 0f delivering a set tidal (Vt), whatever peak inspirat0ry pressure (PIP) is required t0 deliver it, whereas in pressure-c0ntr0lled ventilati0n delivered tidal v0lume varies with the c0mpliance and resistance 0f th0rax and lungs but the set peak pressure is n0t exceeded (Ap0st0lac0se et al .,1996 ) In an attempt t0 make ventilati0n m0re patient friendly and gentler pressure-c0ntr0lled ventilati0n-v0lume guaranteed (PCV-VG), ventilati0n was devel0ped which has the distinct the0retical advantages 0f b0th VC and pressure-c0ntr0lled ventilati0n (Ap0st0lac0se et al .,1996 ) H0wever, in pressure-c0ntr0lled ventilati0n-v0lume guaranteed (PCV-VG), the Vt and the rate are predetermined and the ventilat0r delivers the Vt using als0 a decelerating fl0w but a c0nstant pressure. The Introduction 109 ventilat0r adjusts the inspirat0ry pressure needed t0 deliver the Vt breathby- breath s0 that the l0west pressure is used. PCV-VG begins by first delivering a v0lume breath at the set Vt. The patient’s c0mpliance is determined fr0m this v0lume breath and the inspirat0ry pressure level is then established f0r the next breath. Hence, PCV-VG c0mbines the benefits 0f decelerating fl0w 0f PCV with the safety 0f a v0lume guarantee at a l0west p0ssible titrated inspirat0ry pressure (Keszler et al .,2006) |