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Prof. Ahmed Abouelyazed Elsawy Ali :: Publications:

Standard Swarm Optimization to Solve Machine Scheduling Problem with Fuzzy Starting Time
Authors: Y. M. Assem ; A. A. El-sawy ; Y. A. Nada
Year: 2014
Keywords: Machine Time Scheduling, Particle Swarm optimization, Fuzzy, Time Window, Trapezoid membership function, mean max defuzzification method.
Journal: IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Pages: 64-69
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Abou Elyazed Elsawy Ali_10.1.1.1083.7193.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

One of machine scheduling problems called machine time scheduling. The starting time in this problem will be assumed fuzzy with trapezoid membership function. A standard particle swarm optimization algorithm with constriction factor has been developed to find the best shape of membership function to find best starting time for each machine in each cycle by mean max defuzzification method.

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