Background & Aims: One of the commonest pathogenic microorganisms worldwide is Helicobacter
pylori. It is concluded from the previous studies, that virulence genes like cagA and vacA are not
limited to the pathogenicity but extending to affect the eradication of H. pylori. Though, there are
discrepancies in these results. So, the present study aimed to evaluate the relationship between
Helicobacter pylori cagA and vacA virulence factors and the treatment response. Methods: From
July 2017 to September 2017, 144 patients who suffered from epigastric pain, vomiting and belching
and tested positive for H. Pylori were recruited from KafrElsheikh University Hospitals were
enrolled in this study. All the patients received triple treatment consisting of PPI (40 mg once
dialy), Amoxicillin (1000 mg twice daily) and Clarithromycin (500 mg twice daily)for 2 weeks. All
the patients subjected to H.Plori Ag in stool after 1 month of the end of treatment. Serum samples
were screened for H.Pylori antibodies (anti-CagAIgG and anti-VacAIgG) by using the ELISA Kits.
Results: In the present study, anti-Cag A IgGwas positive in 74(51.4%), while it was negative in
70(48.6%). The present study, showed that anti-Vac AIgG was positive in 58(40.3%), while
86(59.7%) were negative. H.pylori eradicated in 96 (66.7%) of the studied subjects. There were no
significant correlations between anti-cagAIgG, anti-vacAIgG, sex and age as regards h.pylori
treatment response. Conclusion: There is no evident relationship between Helicobacter pylorianticagAIgG and anti-vacAIgGand the treatment response. |