This study evaluates the role of
PNPLA3 gene polymorphism
(rs738409) by PCR/ Taqmanassay in
75chronic HCV patients (50 with
HCC and 25without) and 25 controls.
Thetestedadi ponutrin single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
showed that the C allele of PNPLA3
(rs738409) gene is common in all
groups than G allele and higher in
HCC (95%) than cirrhotic (80%) and
controls (72%). Frequency of HCC
was higher for patients with CC
genotype (90%), than those with CG
(10%) and GG genotype (0%). The
study detected highly statistically
significant difference between HCC
and cirrhotic groups as regard CC
genotype about 4.2 folds (p=0.04)
and C allele (p=0.004).Also, CC
genotype is more prominent in
cirrhotic patients (68%) than controls
group (52%) but difference not
In Conclusion these results
suggest that PNPLA3 (rs738409)
polymorphism with CC genotype was
significantly associated with liver
cirrhosis and increased risk to
develop, HCC in Egyptian patients
with chronic hepatitis C infection. |