Summary of the study
The present study seeks to unveil the plastic formations of metal keys through the sortout and analysis of these keys to represent the basis for the devise of metal works.
To carry out the study objectives and verify the hypotheses the researcher has organized the study into five chapters in the following order:
Chapter on: entitled “study subject” it looks at the study background, problem, hypothesis, importance, methodology, related literature limitations and key terms used.
Chapter two : Its title is “The key” origin, and development over the different historical ages in Europe and eGypt (Mumluje era).
This chapter includes a historical synopsis on the development of keys over the different ages, the emergence of iron keys, the developments in shapes and formations over the historical periods in Europe in terms of the concept of a key, its main parts, function in arts and myths, relevance to religious domain, developments in key shapes over the historical ages in Europe starting from the 13th century up to the 8th century (i.e) from the Romance formation to the Renaissance design in France, Italy Germany and England. The chapter also examines the development in key desidgn in Egypt dating from the ancient Egyptian ages to the Islamic era, particularly the Mumluke age (i.e) the period from the 13th century, to the 18th century in Egypt citing the mumluke keys preserved and displayed in museums outside Egypt.
Chapter Three: comparative and analytical study of collections from the European and Mumluke metal keys, made during the period from 13th century to the 18th century.
This chapter imitially examines a comparatice study between the formations of some European and Mumluke keys, while analyzing collections from the European and Mumluke keys made during the period from the 13th century up to the 18th century. The comparative and analytical efforts hav ebeen made possible thanks to the field visits by the researcher to the Egyptian museum, the Coptic, Islamic and other places where historical handicraft are displayed and preserved. Moreover, the researcher accessed herself in to the internet, visity different sites of relevance to the study subject.
The study sought to sort out collections of the keys made during the designated period grouping keys according to shapes and date of production with the aim is to conduct required analyses determine the features characterizing every group and eventually generating the common feature of keys over the different periods of time.
Chapter Four: Ways of formation by cutting potential use in devising items and shapes based on the key formation.
Here, the researcher reviewed her self experiment providing an introduction to concepts relating to ways of formation by cutting, the materials and tools used in experimenting with relevant nomenclature, showing exploratory or experimental practices, shapes of materials used and the technologies utilized to reach the various formations based on the general feature of a key and how such features are derived from the different parts constituting a key. Different materials such as wires, slides, metalpipes and the like have been used. The chater closed with the display of different formations obtained.
Chapter Five: “Study applications” this chapter beings with an explanation of the purpose for the practical applications, the materials used, shape and type of material, technologies, techniques and tools used, and review of practical applications conducted by the researcher. The chapter closes with the results and recommendations reached by the researcher along with a list of Arabic and foreign references as well as the internet resources.