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Assist. Basma Mohamed Saad Ali :: Publications:

Evaluation of different decellularization techniques on bovine pericardium and jugular vein for xenografts production
Authors: Basma Barakat, Hatem Bahgat, Anwar El-Shafey, Ahmed Kassab
Year: 2021
Keywords: Decellularization, Pericardium, Jugular vein, Triton X100 + Sodium deoxycholate Freezing-thawing, DNase, RNase.
Journal: Benha Veterinary Medical Journal
Volume: 41
Issue: 1
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Basma Mohamed Saad Ali _Evaluation of different decellularization techniques on bovine pericardium and jugular vein for xenografts production.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This study was carried out to estimate a good decellularization protocol for pericardium and jugular vein of cattle and buffalo with preservation of the extracellular matrix. Pericardium and jugular vein were decellularized chemically using Triton X-100 (TX) plus sodium deoxycholate (SD), physically by freeze–thaw cycles +TX + SD and enzymatic protocol used TX+SD+ DNase +RNase. Untreated pericardium and jugular vein were used as control. The histological analysis was performed to evaluate the efficiency of decellularization and extracellular matrix preservation. But The Immunoreaction was evaluated by subcutaneous implantation in rats. It was found that no cells or cell fragments were retained, and there was no apparent tissue disruption in the decellularized tissues, except chemical group showed that the layers of pericardium were dispersed, and layers of jugular vein revealed that the elastic fibers were dispersed, degraded and disorganized. The content of collagen and elastic fibers were affected after decellularization, in physical group showed mild detached collagen fibrils and mild fragmented elastic fibers, but enzymatic group makes sever detached collagen fibrils and sever disrupted elastic fibers. The implanted tissue showed mild-moderate inflammatory reaction and calcification in physical group, but scanty to mild inflammatory reaction and calcification in enzymatic group. These results suggested that the physical protocol showed optimal decellularization results with better extracellular matrix preservation than other methods and the enzymatic method is good in reduction the immunoreaction (mild to scanty inflammatory cells infiltration).

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