Abstract: Significant physiologic mechanisms that alter systemic and renal hemodynamics play an important role in the renal response to changes in fluid and electrolytes during normal pregnancy. Acute kidney Injury (AKI) in pregnancy remains a cause of significant fetomaternal mortality and morbidity. AKI develops most often due to hyperemesis gravidarum or septic abortion (in the 1st trimester). Hypertensive complications of pregnancy (preeclampsia/eclampsia or hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets count syndrome (HELLP)) are the leading cause of AKI in pregnancy worldwide. Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD); Stages, fetal &maternal complications and recommendation with Pregnancy. Although pregnancy after renal replacement therapy is feasible, complications are relatively common and this needs to be considered in patient counseling and clinical decision making.
[El Shahawy E., Salem M. , Bahgat S. , Galal H. and Ahmed D. Pregnancy Associated Kidney Diseases]. Nat Sci 2015;13(x):-]. (ISSN: 1545-0740). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature.