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Ass. Lect. Eman Ibrahim Abd El-latif :: Publications:

Chaotic Information-hiding Algorithm based on DNA
Authors: Eman I. Abd El- Latif; Mahmoud I. Moussa
Year: 2015
Keywords: DNA, Cryptography, Chaotic maps, and Hamming code.
Journal: International Journal of Computer Applications
Volume: 122
Issue: 0975 – 8887
Pages: 38-42
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Eman Ibrahim Abd El-latif_Eman I. abd El-latif.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This paper proposes a cryptography technique based on two dimension 2D chaotic system and DNA sequence. The 2D chaotic map generates two artificial DNA sequences S1and S2 to get a cipher message by encrypting the plain message using the first sequence S1. The sender uses the second sequence S2 to hide the cipher message randomly in a real third sequence S3 that is selected from DNA database. The hamming code approach is applied on the original message M to ensure reliable secret communication. The proposed approach provided a more security method compared to previous approaches.

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