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Dr. Gehan Bassiony Ahmed Youssef :: Publications:

The relation between the growth plate closure in tibia and the age of sheep and goat: Medicolegal study
Authors: Gehan B.Youssef*, Bakry HH, El-Shwarrby R.M, Nabila M. Abd El-Aliem, Elham. A El-Shewy
Year: 2016
Keywords: Keywords: Tibia-Radiographic images - growth plate -Sheep-Goat-Medicolegal study.
Journal: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS)
Volume: 4
Issue: 3c
Pages: 812-816
Publisher: ©Scholars Academic and Scientific Publisher
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Gehan Bassiony Ahmed Youssef_relation between growth plate.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract: This work was done on 108 sheep and goat at different farms in Kalyobia governorate. Radiographic images of the tibia bone in both ram and buck was shot at different ages. The radiographic images of the tibia showed radiolucent appearance in the epiphyseal plate at which no ossification occurred and the epiphyseal plate opened at age of 2-10 months in sheep and goat. While the partial union appeared at the age of 12-18 months and 18-24 months in sheep and goats respectively. The total union occurred between the epiphysis and diaphysis at age of 30-36 months and 28-30 months in sheep and goats respectively. The complete closure of the growth or epiphyseal plate of the tibia appeared in the radiographic images as complete union between the epiphysis and diaphysis appeared at age of (42-48) months and 36-42 months in sheep and goats respectively.

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