You are in:Home/Publications/Modified tubeless minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy for management of renal stones in children: A single-centre experience | |
Title: | Modified tubeless minimally invasive
percutaneous nephrolithotomy for management
of renal stones in children: A single-centre
experience |
Authors: | Ahmed Sebaey, Ashraf Abdelaal, Alaa Elshaer, Hisham Alazaby, Wael Kadeel, Tarek Soliman & Ehab Elbarky |
Year: | 2019 |
Keywords: | Not Available |
Journal: | Not Available |
Volume: | Not Available |
Issue: | Not Available |
Pages: | Not Available |
Publisher: | Not Available |
Local/International: | Local |
Paper Link: | Not Available |
Full paper | Helmy Ahmed Ali El-Deep_Modified tubeless minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy for management of renal stones in children A single-centre experience.pdf |
Supplementary materials | Not Available |
Abstract: |
Toevaluatethesafety,effectivenessandmorbidity,aswellastheusefulnessof amodifiedsupinemini-percutaneousnephrolithotomy(PCNL)formanagingrenalstonesin children. Patientsandmethods:Westudied50children,fromSeptember2017toSeptember2018, whowereaged4–16yearswithasinglerenalpelvicorcalycealstoneof |