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Dr. Ibrahim Sabry Ibrahim Mahmoud :: Publications:

Multi-criteria decision-making methods comparative analysis in Fuzzy Environment: Article review
Authors: Khaled R. Hindi, Ahmed El-Assal, Ibrahim Sabry
Year: 2022
Keywords: MCDM, fuzzy logic
Journal: Benha Journal of Applied Sciences (B
Volume: 7
Issue: 5
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Benha University
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ibrahim Sabry Ibrahim Mahmoud_BJAS_Volume 7_Issue 5_Pages 227-235.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Multi criteria decision making (MCDM) appears to be a difficult decision-making (DM) technique involving both theoretical and practical elements. Many MCDM tools and procedures have recently been proposed in order to choose the most likely option. Due to the obvious wide range of MCDM programmes available in many fields, there may be a strong need to divide them into various regions and sub-areas. Manufacturing systems, supply chain issues, business and management, human resource management, power and safety, environmental science, and other programmes are just a few examples. This news letter also discusses the state of fuzzy multi-standards decision-making systems.Multi-criteria decision- making has been used in a variety of fields. Where several criteria have emerged, the MCDM approach aids in the choice of the best options. The optimum one may be determined by assessing the many scopes for the criteria.To use any multi-criteria decision-making methodology (figure1) , assign weights to the criteria and then choose the better ones. This The article covers the evolution of several FMCDM techniques and approaches in depth. MCDM approaches are frequently integrated with other methodology to obtain more precise findings or to handle a specific class of issues and circumstances. Hybrid methods are a collection of multi-criteria decision-making approaches that have been merged (figure2).

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