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Dr. Ibrahim Abdelhamid Aboelmaty Fakreldin :: Publications:

Comparative Study Between Suction-Assisted Lipectomy And Direct Defatting Of Inferior Pole OF The Breast In Superiomedial Pedicle Reduction Mammoplasty
Authors: Mohamed Attia Khalil, MD; Gamal Ibrahim El Habaa, MD; Mohamed Tawfik younis MD; Ibrahim Abdelhamid Aboelmaaty Fakhreldeen, (
Year: 2019
Keywords: Suction-Assisted Lipectomy, Direct Defatting, Reduction Mammoplasty Outcomes.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ibrahim Abdelhamid Aboelmaty Fakreldin_Comparative Study Between Suction.doc
Supplementary materials Not Available

Purpose: To thorough light on suction assisted lipectomy versus direct defatting of inferior pole of breast in superiomedial pedicle reduction mammoplasty. Background: Reduction mammoplasty is widely accepted as an effective means of relieving many of symptoms like breast pain & psychological symptoms related to unwanted attention. Patients and methods: This study included 34 patients having huge breast. Who were managed superiomedial pedicle reduction mammoplasty. In group I (n =17), the lower pole shaping was achieved with direct defatting, group II (n =17) the inferior pole and inferolateral aspect of the breast was approached with liposuction. After evaluation by complete history, examination and investigations. Results: There is significant decrease in post-operative nipple height and areola diameter and nipple to sternal notch measurement and elevation of inframammary fold in both groups; P value

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