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Dr. Assoc. Prof/ Kamal Mahmoud Kamal Mohamed Elgabalawy :: Courses files: تاريخ ونظريات العمارة الفرقة الثانية الترم الأول

Course Nameتاريخ ونظريات العمارة الفرقة الثانية الترم الأول
Last Year Taught2020

0 Itroduction
1 Explanation of the original visual image of the shape of the old buildings
10 St. Catherine's Church inside the monastery in Sinai, Egypt - Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Palestine
11 bell tower
12 Types of domes - and Persian thought
13 Types of domes between simple and compound and on the neck
14 Comparison between the dome of
15 Types of Byzantine and Sassanian domes
16 Spherical triangles, niches, and muqarnas
17 Saint Mark's Church in Venice
18 Hagia Sophia Church Istanbul
19 St. Sergius Church in Istanbul
2 Explanation of the Pantheon
20 Church of Saint Vital Pravina
21 Features of Romantic Thought
22 Pisa Group - Italy
23 Angouleme Cathedral - France
24 Cathedral and Symbol - Germany
25 Features of Gothic thought
26 Notre Dame Cathedral - Paris
27 Milan cathedral - Italy
28 Salisbury Cathedral - England
29 Church of the Missionaries of Saint Etienne, France
3 Explanation of the basilica
30 Missionaries' Church in Cologne, Germany
31 Amiens cathedral, France
32 Elizabeth Church, Germany
33 Introduction to the Renaissance and the Baroque
34 Renaissance Church of Florence
35 St Peter's Basilica - Italy
36 St Paul's Cathedral, London - England
37 San Carlo Church, Italy
38 Basilica of Santa Andrea in Quirinale, Rome, Italy
39 St. George Church in Egypt
4 The church model of the basilica
40 The Hanging Church in Egypt
5 Western Empire church model of basilicas
6 Eastern Empire Church Model of Byzantine Thought
7 Basilica of St. Clement and St. Peter, Rome, Italy
8 Church of St. Agnes and San Paolo, next to the wall of Rome, Italy
9 Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Palestine - Church of St.
Answer M.T Exam 2019
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Assignment 5
Final Exam 2018 - 2019
Final Exam 2019
Final Exam 2020 - 2021
Group Name Form
Lecture titles 2021
M.T 2019
M.T Exam 2018
M.T Exam 2019
M.T Exam 2020
Model Answer - Final Exam 2018 - 2019
Model Answer - Final Exam 2019
Model Answer - Final Exam 2020 - 2021
Model Answer - M.T Exam 2018
Model Answer - M.T Exam 2020
Request a trip to visit the ancient Egypt region
Research titles History&Theory2
Suggested lecture titles, second date, architecture 2020
The idea of comparing a monastery, cathedral and church
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