Endoxanknown as cyclophasmide used to treat various cancerous dieases (breast and
ovarian cancers and leukaemia). 180 healthy adult male Swiss albino mice (Musmusculus),
were allotted among three groups. The animal were given daily (0.9 mg/20g mice) of
Endoxanintraperitonealy followed by injection of Omega-3 plus at dose (8.58 mg/20g mice),
Apple at dose (1.43 mg/20 g mice) and Psyllium at dose (18.2mg /20 g mice)for five days.
Various Structural and numerical chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow cells; mitotic
activity and sperm head abnormality were recorded, quantitated, and statistically analyzed.
Also DNA extraction and apoptosis detection in liver was done. The intensity of apoptotic
bands located at 200 bp; 400bp; 600 bp;800bp and intact DNA measured by software Gel Pro
program as maximum optical density values. Endoxan had adverse effect on chromosomal
and sperm head structure, also it induce apoptosis, necrosis and decrease total DNA in mice
liver.Omega-3 plus, Apple, and Psylliumhave a protective effect against Endoxan. |