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Dr. Yasmina Badr :: Scientific Activities:
Scientific Activities of 2020 |
1-Organizer of training of newly graduated physicians program at benha unversity hospitals under the supervision of benha Medicolegal consulting center |
2-Coordinator of 2nd annual conference on intersections of violence of forensic medicine and clinical toxicology department. |
Scientific Activities of 2019 |
3-attendant at humanitarian forensic action- field experiences from the international committee of the red cross woprkshop. |
4-Speaker at 10th international conference on forensic medicine and sciences (AUFT 2019) |
5-organizer of awareness against smoking at benha university. |
6-organizer of awareness against doping campaign at benha university. |
Scientific Activities of 2018 |
7-coordinator of 1st annual conference on addiction of forensic medicne & clinical toxicolgy |
8-attendant at 1st benha faculty of medicine quality conference. |
9-organizer of addiction awareness campaign at benha university |
Scientific Activities of 2016 |
10-Investigation of DNA damage using comet assay in different types of cells workshop. |