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Assist. Yasmeen Osama Zhran :: Publications:

Preliminary phytochemical screening of Vinca roseus leaves
Authors: Yassmin A. Ramadan✉1, Yasmeen O. Zhran 1, Aziza A. Abdelfattah2, Abubakr M. El-Mahmoudy1
Year: 2023
Keywords: Antitumor Activity, Botanical Medicine, Phytochemical Constituents, Vinca roseus.
Journal: Science Archives (ISSN: 2582-6697)
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Pages: 154-161
Publisher: MD International Publishing (MDIP)
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Yasmeen Osama Zhran_Science-Archives-2023-Vol.-4-2154-161-1.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Botanical medicine that fights the battle against various types of diseases not only in recent decades but also since the dawn of time, by using plant parts or plant as whole as it has low cost and lack of adverse effects. One of these plants that belongs to the Apocynaceae family is Vinca roseus which become widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas. The aim of the present study was to investigate the phytochemical analysis of leaves of Vinca roseus growing in Egypt. Qualitative Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of Alkaloids, phenolics, Cardiac glycosides, Anthraquinone glycosides, Tannin, Flavonoids, Oils, Resins, Saponins and Protein. Gallic acid, Gums/Mucilages and Terpenoids were not noticeable. The results indicate that leaves extract of Vinca roseus can be used as a source of potential pharmaceutical agent especially in cancer

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