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Assist. Ahmed Zahia :: Publications:

Bidirectional field‑steering and atomic steering induced by a magnon mode in a qubit‑photon system
Authors: Ahmed A. Zahia;Ahmed M. Megahed
Year: 2023
Keywords: Quantum Steering; Quantum Correlations
Journal: Scientific Reports
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed Zahia_Bidirectional field‑steering.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This paper investigates the cavity–magnon steering and qubit–qubit steering of a hybrid quantum system consisting of a single-mode magnon, a two-qubit state, and a single-mode cavity field in the presence of their damping rates. The temporal wave vector of the system is obtained for the initial maximally entangled two-qubit state and initial vacuum state of the magnon and cavity modes. Additionally, the mathematical inequalities for obtaining the cavity–magnon steering and qubit– qubit steering are introduced. The findings reveal that steering between the magnon and cavity is asymmetric, while steering between the two qubits is symmetric in our system. Increasing the atom–field coupling improves steering from magnon to field, while reducing steering between the two qubits. Moreover, increasing magnon–field coupling enhances and elevates the lower bounds of qubit–qubit steering. Further, adding the damping rates causes deterioration of the cavity–magnon steering and qubit–qubit steering. However, the steering persistence is slightly greater when damping originates from the cavity field rather than the magnon modes based on the coupling parameters.

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