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Prof. Anwar Badawy Badawy Abu-Sena :: Publications:

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of The Behavior of Castellated Steel Beam-Columns
Authors: Anwar Badawy Badawy Abu-SENA, Mohamed Wahied Fares, Hanan Hussien El -Tobgy
Year: 2021
Keywords: Castellated steel beam-columns, FEM modeling, Lateral torsional Buckling, Web Openings.
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Pages: 193-202
Publisher: IJSTR
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Anwar Badawy Badawy Abu-Sena_Experimental-And-Numerical-Investigation-Of-The-Behavior-Of-Castellated-Steel-Beam-columns.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Experimental investigation has been performed on twelve short and long castellated beam-column elements. The castellation process effectively increases the section resistance because of increasing the depth of the section without any additional weight. By increasing the depth of the beam, major axis bending resistance and stiffness are improved as the major axis moment of inertia (Ix) and the section modulus (Sx) are increased. It has been noticed that, researches that considered castellated elements subjected to axial and bending moment are limited compared to those considered elements subjected to bending moment only. In this research castellated beam-columns are studied under different load eccentricity to investigate the effect of castellation on beam-column strength. Behavior and strength of castellated beam-column are also investigated using the finite element analysis utilizing ANSYS software. The finite element results are found to be in a good agreement with their experimental counterparts.

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