Battery Eysenck Personality of children ,preparation of the first researcher.
And have yielded statistical treatments for the following results:
1) the existence of statistically significant differences between male and female performance on the extraversion scale in favor of males.
2) There were no statistically significant difference between the school and the three representative stages of different age in performance on a scale of extroversion.
3) There were no statistically significant interaction of (sex x age) in performance on a measure of extraversion.
4) the existence of statistically significant differences between male and female performance on the psychotic scale in favor of males.
5) There are differences of statistically significant difference between the school and the three representative stages of different age in performance on the psychotic scale in favor of the second preparatory stage.
6) There were no statistically significant interaction of( sex x age) in performance on a scale of psychotic.
7) the existence of statistically significant differences between male and female performance on the neuroticism scale in favor of females.
8) There are differences of statistically significant difference between the school and the three representative stages of different age in performance on the neuroticism scale in favor of younger ages.
9) There are differences of statistically significant interaction of (sex x age) in performance on the neuroticism scale in favor of female stages of older age .