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Dr. Abdelgalil Abdelgalil Mohamed Youssef Eltayesh :: Publications:

Effect of Secondary Flows on Heat Transfer of a Gas Turbine Blade
Authors: Hesham M. El-Batsh, Sameh A. Nada, Samia Nasreldin Abdo, and Abdelgalil A. El-Tayesh
Year: 2013
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: International Journal of Rotating Machinery
Volume: 2013,
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 13
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
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This study presents experimental and numerical investigation for three-dimensional heat transfer characteristics in a turbine blade. An experimental setup was installed with a turbine cascade of five-blade channels. Blade heat transfer measurements were performed for the middle channel under uniform heat flux boundary conditions. Heat was supplied to the blades using twentynine electric heating strips cemented vertically on the outer surface of the blades. Distributions of heat transfer coefficient were obtained at three levels through blade height by measuring surface temperature distribution using thermocouples. To understand heat transfer characteristics, surface static pressure distributions on blade surface were also measured. Numerical investigation was performed as well to extend the investigation to locations other than those measured experimentally. Three-dimensional nonisothermal, turbulent flow was obtained by solving Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations and energy equation.The shear stress transport

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