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Prof. Prof. Abdelkader Mohamed Abdelkader Alsayed :: Publications:

Assessing the Efficacy of Hands-On Games for Expanding Understanding of Probability Concepts in Mathematics Education
Authors: A Elsayed; F Aloufi
Year: 2024
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Migration Letters
Volume: 20
Issue: S3
Pages: 912-921
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Prof. Abdelkader Mohamed Abdelkader Alsayed_Published Article.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Gamification methodologies have gained profound and swift significance within the educational context over the past few years. In a subject like mathematics, conceptual understanding of the topics is decisive owing to their wide applicability to multiple areas. Therefore, hands-on approaches are extensively employed in teaching different mathematical notions so as to enhance and fortify students' problem-solving and computational skills. The current study also intends to explore one such area and assess the efficacy of incorporating hands-on games (using manipulatives) for expanding students' understanding of probability concepts in mathematics. A quantitative survey design was used, and the sample population was chosen from 6 schools (3 for males and 3 for females). The final sample was composed of 90 students who participated and filled out the questionnaires. For data analysis, SPSS statistics 23 was used, and frequency analysis was done to spot the most recurrent responses. The outcomes revealed that the theme of boosting student engagement/giving better learning outcomes got the highest positive responses (92.22%), followed by enhancement of strategic mathematical thinking (91.11%) and the rest. It was also noted that the majority of the respondents agreed with the given statements and showed high levels of satisfaction with learning through handson approaches. Hence, it can be concluded that owing to the greater appreciation for using gaming-integrated methods of teaching, the students can yield improved outcomes and develop skills that consequently result in a better attitude and more enthusiasm for mathematics.

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