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Prof. AbdelKader AbdelKarim Ibrahim :: Publications:

An expeirmental investigation for the effect of surface grinding parameters on the produced sureface roughness
Authors: M.M. Salem , A.A. Ibrahim and S.S. Mohamed
Year: 2022
Keywords: Surface grinding parameters, Surface Roughness, ANOVA, SNR, Grain Condition
Journal: Benha Journal of Applied Sciences (BJAS)
Volume: Vol. (7)
Issue: Issue (4)
Pages: 143-149
Publisher: Benha University
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper AbdelKader AbdelKarim Ibrahim_An_expeirmental_investigation_for_the_effect_of_su.pdf
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Abstract Surface grinding in industry is used as finishing process. The quality of the finished surface is largely dependent on the selected machining parameters. There is many other factors contribute in the surface quality, but the major contribution to improve the surface quality can be achieved by controlling the machining parameters. Grinding concept is very complex random cutting process between many cutting edges on the wheel circumference and the workpiece. The functional behavior of machined components can be enhanced by the grinding process, so proper selection of the grinding parameters can result in improving the surface integrity. So that, understanding the surface integrity imparted by grinding is very important. This paper introduced an experimental investigation to study the relation between some selected input parameters on the surface quality; the behavior of the grain along with the machining time is also investigated. It is concluded that the surface roughness is influenced by changing the depth of cut and the feed rate. Increasing feed rate and depth of cut increase the normal and tangential forces; leading to higher surface roughness. The depth of cut is the most significant parameter that affecting surface roughness. The machining time affect the quality of the machined surfaces.

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