You are in:Home/Publications/A study of patients with acute poisoning by household products admitted to BENHA POISONING CONTROL UNIT

Prof. Abdelmonem Goda Madboly Ahmed Elgohari :: Publications:

A study of patients with acute poisoning by household products admitted to BENHA POISONING CONTROL UNIT
Authors: Abdel Moniem Goda Madbouly (M.B.B.Ch.;M.Sc.) Assistant Lecturer of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology Faculty of Medicine, Benha University Submitted For Fulfillment of M.D. Degree In Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology Supervisors Pro
Year: 2011
Keywords: household poisoning, Benha poisoning control unit
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Abdelmonem Goda Madboly_A study of patients with acute toxicity.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Household products are those products found in the home environment and not of a medicinal nature. They include pesticides such as insecticides and rodenticides, cleaning products such as clorox and detergents, hydrocarbons such as kerosene, disinfectants, bleaches and variants of other products that commonly stored or present at homes. It is recommended that household products should be stored in their original containers in a special locked cabinet with child resistant caps in order to be away from the reach of the curious children to avoid their intoxications (Abdel Megid et al., 2007). Household products are generally ingested by children especially those aged between 9 months and 5 years in an accidental manner. Most commonly involved household products include bleaches, cosmetics, detergents, disinfectants and petroleum distillates. In the developing countries more toxic agents are available in a domestic setting which may lead to severe or serious toxicity, whereas in the Western Europe serious toxicity as a res

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