You are in:Home/Publications/"Arabic Keyphrase Extraction using Linguistic knowledge and Machine Learning Techniques", Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools, 2009.

Prof. Abdelwahab Kamel Mohamed Alsammak :: Publications:

"Arabic Keyphrase Extraction using Linguistic knowledge and Machine Learning Techniques", Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools, 2009.
Authors: Tarek El-shishtawy, Abdulwahab Al-sammak
Year: 2013
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper abdelwahab alsammak_Arabic KeyPhrase Extraction.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

In this paper, a supervised learning technique for extracting keyphrases of Arabic documents is presented. The extractor is supplied with linguistic knowledge to enhance its efficiency instead of relying only on statistical information such as term frequency and distance. During analysis, an annotated Arabic corpus is used to extract the required lexical features of the document words. The knowledge also includes syntactic rules based on part of speech tags and allowed word sequences to extract the candidate keyphrases. In this work, the abstract form of Arabic words is used instead of its stem form to represent the candidate terms. The Abstract form hides most of the inflections found in Arabic words. The paper introduces new features of keyphrases based on linguistic knowledge, to capture titles and subtitles of a document. A simple ANOVA test is used to evaluate the validity of selected features. Then, the learning model is built using the LDA - Linear Discriminant Analysis - and training documents. Although, the presented system is trained using documents in the IT domain, experiments carried out show that it has a significantly better performance than the existing Arabic extractor systems, where precision and recall values reach double their corresponding values in the other systems especially for lengthy and non-scientific articles.

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