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Prof. Abdallah El-Sayed Azab Salama Gomaa :: Courses details:

Number of courses : 28
Number of uploaded files for these courses from students : 0
education programming.
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the foundations of the design and production decis
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visual programming language Delphi
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Introduction to Programming in Turbo Pascal.
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Introduction to the programming language Pascal.
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Introduction to Computers for students of undergra
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peer teaching.
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Micro teaching
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Fundamentals of Mathematics (1) basic education fo
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research skills
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Research Methodology in Educational Sciences and
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methods of teaching computer to students from the
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methods of teaching the computer to pupils the low
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Education decision process (theory - a field).
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methods of teaching mathematics to students at the
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Methods of Teaching Mathematics for students in lo
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use of computers in scientific research for doctor
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Advanced Statistics for MBA students.
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Statistics for students of Diploma in Special Educ
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decision of the production and design of education
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Decision educational methods and technology educat
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use of computers in teaching.
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decision of teaching aids.
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decision of the curriculum
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teaching skills.
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principles of teaching
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