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Prof. Abeer Medhat Mohammed Erfan :: Publications:

Strength and behavior of innovative composite columns
Authors: Y. B. shaheen1, R.M. Abd El-Naby2, M.A. Adam3, A.M. Erfan4
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
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This paper presents a proposed method for producing reinforced composite concrete columns reinforced with various types of wire meshes. The experimental program includes casting and testing of eighteen square columns having the dimensions of 150 mm x150 mm x1500mm under concentric compression loadings. The test samples comprise five designation series to make comparative study between conventionally reinforced concrete columns and concrete columns reinforced with welded steel mesh, expanded steel mesh, fiber glass mesh and tensar mesh. The main variables are the type of innovative reinforcing materials, metallic or non metallic, the number of layers and volume fraction of reinforcement. The main objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of employing the new innovative materials in reinforcing the composite concrete columns. The results of an experimental investigation to examine the effectiveness of these produced columns are reported and discussed including strength, deformation, cracking, ductility and energy absorption properties. The results proved that new reinforced concrete columns can be developed with high strength, crack resistance, high ductility and energy absorption properties using the innovative composite materials. Also, Non-linear finite element analysis; (NLFEA) was carried out to simulate the behaviour of the reinforced concrete composite columns. The numerical model could agree the behaviour to satisfy level with test results employing ANSYS-9.0 Software. Keywords: Ferro-cement; Expanded steel mesh; Fiber glass mesh; Welded steel mesh steel mesh; Polypropylene mesh; Polypropylene fiber; Deformation characteristics; Strength; Cracking; Ductility; Energy absorption.

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