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Prof. Abeer Yahia Mahdy Shalby :: Publications:

Effect Of Training Program On Staff Nurses Performance And Empowerment Toward Care Of Patient Undergoing Organs And Tissues Transplantation
Authors: Abeer Yahia Mahdy Shalby PROF. DR . Abd-El Rahim S.Shoulah PRO.DR.Magda Abd-El Aziz Mohamed
Year: 2009
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
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Continuous improvements in medical technology, particularly in relation to organ and tissue rejection, have led to an increase in the demand for organs and tissues, which has always exceeded supply despite substantial expansion in deceased organ donation as well as greater reliance on donation from living persons in recent years .The role of registered professional nurses in the identification and care of organ and tissue transplant patients and their families, as well as their role in public education and awareness. In the roles of clinician, health educator and counselor, the registered professional nurse should provide the public with accurate and objective information. The aim of the current study was to measure the effect of a training program on staff nurses’ knowledge and practice and empowerment toward care of patients undergoing organ and tissue transplantation. The investigation was carried out at laboratory’ faculty, Nasser institute hospital and Elmanial University Hospital hospital . The present study hypotheses 1) The mean score knowledge post training program of nurses providing care for patients at Benha University will be higher than their pre knowledge mean score. 2) The mean score practice post training program of nurses providing care for patients will be higher than their pre practice mean score. 3) The mean score empowerment post training program of nurses providing care for patients will be higher than their pre program implementation mean score. The sample included internship nurses at Benha Faculty of Nursing. The tools of data collection were 1)interview questionnaire sheet, 2) observational check list sheet and 3) psychological Empowerment sheet (Attitude Rating Scale) for internship nurses . The results . showed that there are statistically significant differences between before and immediately after implementing program and at follow- up (after four months later) in knowledge and practice. And no statistically significant differences between immediately after implementing program and follow up in knowledge, practice and empowerment . The study concluded that all nurses needed to improve their knowledge and practice about care of patients under going organ and tissue transplantation .The study recommended the development of well planned orientation and in-service training programs on the knowledge and practice and to develop a protocol of care to be applied during organ and tissue donation.

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