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Prof. Abeer Yahia Mahdy Shalby :: Publications:

Effect Self-Care Learning Package on wound healing among Patients Undergoing abdominal surgery
Authors: Abeer, Y. MAhdey1 and Sabah, S. Mohamed 2
Year: 2021
Keywords: wound healing, abdominal surgery, Self Learning Package
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Abeer Yahia Mahdy Shalby_eight.pdf
Supplementary materials Abeer Yahia Mahdy Shalby_eight.pdf

Management of surgical wounds is an important part of post-operative recovery should monitor the process of acute wound healing, prevent wound complications and treat appropriately if complications arise. Aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of self-learning package based on wound healing among Patients Undergoing abdominal surgery. Design, quiz experimental design was utilized. Sample: A purposive sample of 90 married Patients Undergoing abdominal surgery and randomly divided into study and control group. Setting: The study was carried out at surgical ward (male and female) and surgical outpatient unit in Benha University Hospital at Benha University. Tools: Data were collected through three main tools: A selfadministered questionnaire to assess students’ general characteristics and knowledge regarding cervical cancer prevention, health belief model, and questionnaire to assess intention to practice cervical cancer prevention behaviors. Results: There was highly statistically significant difference after self-learning package implementation observed between two groups regarding knowledge and patient activities about wound healing after abdominal surgery. The mean scores of wound healing assessment during first, second and third ten days were significantly higher in the study group compared to control group (p=.001). Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, the self -learning package had appositive effect on Patients undergoing abdominal surgery which increase knowledge and activities to promote wound healing. These study findings were supported the study hypotheses. Recommendation: Dissemination of self- learning package based on wound healing among patients of abdominal surgery prevent delayed of wound healing.

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