Objective: To detect the rate of female genital cutting among a sample of newly married women
13 in Benha city, and make a comparison between circumcised and non-circumcised women
14 regarding long-term health problems. Methods: Randomly selected (264) newly married women
15 were the subjects of this work. Results: Circumcised group constitutes 75.8% of the sample. All
16 non-circumcised women were living in an urban area. Dysmenorrhea was more common among
17 circumcised rather than non-circumcised, with statistically significant difference (Pb0.01).
18 Marital problems (dyspareunia, loss of libido, failure of orgasm and husband's unsatisfaction) had
19 statistically different levels of significance among circumcised women. Obstetric problems such
20 as tears, episiotomy and consequently distressed babies were more events among circumcised
21 mothers with statistical significance. Circumcised females had significant mental problems such
22 as somatization, anxiety and phobia (Pb0.001). Conclusion: Female genital cutting remains a
23 widely practiced custom in our society. Grave complications of circumcision may last throughout
24 women's life particularly the time of consummation of marriage and the time of childbirth.
25 © 2007 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. |