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Prof. Mahmoud El-Sayed Abed Abou-EL-Roos :: Publications:

Clinical, cytogenetic and histomorphologic studies on caprine hermaphroditism
Authors: A. Selim, M.E.A. Abou-El-Roos and A.E.Abdel-Ghaffar
Year: 1998
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mahmoud El-Sayed Abed Abou-EL-Roos_PAPER_01.pdf
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Hermaphrodite goats (n = 33) were recognized dung screening young goats for the presence of abnormalities in the external genitalia. Incidence of hermaphroditism in the present study was 4.7%. Testicular hermaphrodites (exhibiting male external genitalia, n = 24) were much frequently observed than ovarian hermaphrodites (exhibition female external genitalia, n = 91 However, true hermaphroditism was diagnosed in two out of the nine cases of ovarian hermaphrodites after application of hCG challenge test. Cytogenetic analysis revealed that all hermaphrodite cases recorded m the present study were genotypically females, where the chromosomal constitution being 60, xx. However, histomorphological examination of testicular hermaphrodites revealed that the genital system was dominating male M was characterized by underdeveloped male reproductive organs with hypospadias penis (male pseudohermaphrodites). Whereas, true hermaphrodite goat had a female genital tract together with clitoral enlargement and bilaterally conjoined ovary and testis. However, the remaining ovarian hermaphrodites revealed the same features of normal females, except for masculine appearance and clitoral enlargement ( female pseudohermaphrodites).However, both testicular and ovarian hermaphrodites were polled Microscopic examination of the testis in male pseudohermaphrodites or true hermaphrodite exhibited Sertoli cells only – tubules without evidence of spermatogenesis. Whereas, ovarian stroma in true hermaphrodite goat revealed the presence of various stages of follicular development, follicular atresia and luteal tissues formation. Detailed histomorphological findings were presented. Moreover, the possible causes and prevention of such undesirable condition were considered and fairly discussed.

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