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Prof. Mahmoud El-Sayed Abed Abou-EL-Roos :: Publications:

Analysis of chromatin integrity and DNA damage of buffalo spermatozoa
Authors: Mahmoud, K. Gh. M.; El-Sokary, A. A. E.; Abdel-Ghaffar, A. E.; Abou El-Roos, M. E. A. and Ahmed, Y. F
Year: 2014
Keywords: Buffalo bull, Chromatin integrity, DNA damage, Semen quality
Journal: Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, Shiraz University
Volume: 16
Issue: 2
Pages: 161-166
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mahmoud El-Sayed Abed Abou-EL-Roos_abed-2.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This study was conducted to determine chromatin integrity and DNA damage by DNA electrophoresis and comet assays of buffalo fresh and frozen semen. Semen samples were collected from four buffalo bulls and evaluated after freezing for semen motility, viability, sperm abnormalities, chromatin integrity and DNA damage. A significant variation was found in semen parameters after thawing. Highly significant differences (P

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