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Ass. Lect. Adel Motawa Elsayed Zidan :: Publications:

Effect of shoulder stability exercises on hand grip strength in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome. ‏
Authors: Kachanathu, S. J., Zedan, A. M., Hafez, A. R., Alodaibi, F. A., Alenazi, A. M., & Nuhmani, S.
Year: 2019
Keywords: Shoulder impingement syndrometherapeutic exerciseshand grip
Journal: Somatosensory & Motor Research,
Volume: 36
Issue: 2
Pages: 97-101.
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Adel Motawa Elsayed Zidan_paper adel sse, grip.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: Shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS) is the second most common musculoskeletal condition that causes shoulder pain in the general population. Shoulder girdle muscle imbalance and posterior capsule tightness have been implicated as contributing factors. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of shoulder stability exercises (SSEs) on hand grip strength in patients with unilateral SIS. Methods: A total of 16 patients with a mean age of 32 ± 9.3 years diagnosed with stage II unilateral SIS participated in this study. A standardized SSE programme was conducted in the clinic under the direct 1-to-1 supervision of a physical therapist thrice weekly for 4 weeks for a total of 12 sessions on the affected and non-affected shoulders. The effect of the SSE programme on isometric hand grip strength was analysed. Results: A significant difference (p = .016) was observed in the hand grip strength of the affected shoulder side before and after the intervention, but no significant difference (p = 1.0) was found in the hand grip strength of the non-affected shoulder side post-intervention. Conclusion: The reduction in isometric hand grip strength of the affected shoulder side compared to that of the non-affected shoulder side in the same subject before the intervention shows that SIS significantly affects the hand grip strength of the affected side. SSEs significantly affect the isometric hand grip strength of SIS patients.

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