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Prof. Adel Hassan Abdel Latif :: Publications:

The Effect of different Therapeutic Manipulation of Osteoporosis on Parameters of Bone Formation and Resorption.
Authors: A cialty.A. H. MD., Mokhtar, P LTD* and EI-Shobcdri, F A. P D*
Year: 1999
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
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This study was done on 50 patients suffering from osteoporosis. Patients were classified into three groups, each was given certain therapeutic regimen. The first group received calcium (1000 mg daily) and vitamin D (0.25 ug daily), the 2" group was given in addition a daily nasal spray (200 1U) calcitonin and the 3rd group was given 10mg daily of bisphosphonate in addition to calcium and vitamin D. These therapeutic regimen continued for a period of 3 months. The serum level of osteocalcin(OC), bone alkaline phosphatase(B-ALP) and urinary deoxypyridinoline(U-Dpd) were estimated for all patients in the 3 groups before the start of this therapeutic handling and after three months of treatment. No significant change in the level of the analyzed parameters was noticed due to treatment with-calcium rand 'vitamin D alone. Patients given either calcitonin or bisphosphonate in addition to calcium and vitamin D, have a drop in the level of serum OC. Serum B-ALP was significantly decreased due to treatment with calcitonin. Those patients also have a significant drop in U-Dpd. The significance of using these drugs in addition to calcium and vitamin D for the treatment of osteoporosis is discussed on the bases that the drop in U-Dpd is an indication to retardation of bone resorpation. It was also concluded that bone turnover biochemical -parameters are sensitive and specific in assessment of the prognosis of the disease.

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