The effects of Consult and Cascade (lORs) and Dipel-2x and Xentari
(bacterial bioinsecticides) were tested on five insect predators, (Chrysoperla
carnea, Coccine/la undecitnpunctala, Scymnus spp., Paederus a(flerii and
Onus spp.) in cotton fields at Zagazig region during 2005, 2006 arid 2007
cotton seasons. Results revealed that Consult caused highest percent of
reduction in population recording 33.71% for C. carnea during
2007season.While the lowest reduction (14.89%) occurred for Paederus
alfierii during 2005 season. Also, Cascade showed its highest reduction of
27.48% in 2006 season for Coccineila undecirnpuiictata. While the lowest
average of! 8.96 % reduction was recorded for R aijieril in the same season.
On the other side, highest effect of Dipe12X (Bacillus thuringienses)
occurred on Scymnus spp. (20.49% reduction), while its lowest effect
(10.20% reduction) was found on C. undecitnpunctata during 2007 season.
The bacterial biocide (Xentari) casued high % reduction of 23.00 % for C.
undecimpunctata during 2005 season . While, its lowest effect (7.5 8%
reduction) occurred on P. alfierü during 2006 season . In general, Consult and
Cascade showed moderate effects on insect predators followed by the
bacterial biocides, Dipel-2X and Xentari which may be considered safe for
beneficial insects.