This cross-sectional short tenn study was carried-out in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Benha University hospital. It aims at studying the epidemiologicaljeatures ojnosocomial injc:tion in NICU. The target oj this study is one hundred neonates admitted to the NICU along a period oj about one year. They were chosen by the systematic method oj random sampling. Mothers oj the subjects oj the study are subjected to a structured Questionnaire jor detailed history. thorough physical examination as well as investigations to assess the presence oj nosocomial injection & to detennine the causative pathogen.
In a mal to trace the possible source oj nosocomial injection. swabs from different sites -were taken from the irifected neonates. nursing staff, used instruments, as well as the surrounding environment The results ojI the study revealed that, the rate of occurrence oj nosocomial injection is estimated to be 54%. The use ojinvasive techniques, prematurity as well as low birth weight are considered risk jactors jor occurrence oj neonatal sepsis in a percentage oj 96.21%. 77.77% & 88.86% respectively. Home deliveries as well as normal vaginal deliveries showed higher frequency oj statistical significance jor the occurrence oj nosocomial injection. About 1/4 oj neonates diagnosed as having nosocomial injection. died. The microorganism profile of those diagnosed as nosocomial injection showed that the most prevalent organism is coagulase +ve staphylo539
Osama A. EI-Fiky et al.... ----------------coccus
(55.5%), Jollowed by Klebsilla 37%, serratia & enterobacter in a percentage oj 7.4%Jor each, streptococci & candida (3.7%Jor each).
The results oj swabs taken from the neonates, the nursing staff as well as the surrounding organisms showed the same organisms. So, prevention oj nosocomial injection is the responsibility oj health care team personnel through the application oj effective hospital injection surveillance & control system especially in NICUs. |