You are in:Home/Publications/Studies on heterosis and combining ability in faba beans (Vicia faba L.) II. Inflorescencse and shedding percentage

Prof. Adely Mohamed Morsey :: Publications:

Studies on heterosis and combining ability in faba beans (Vicia faba L.) II. Inflorescencse and shedding percentage
Year: 1992
Keywords: Not Available
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Local/International: Local
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Full paper Adely Mohamed Morsey_22.pdf
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Positive heterosis was present for the number of flowers/mainretem. The three crossea N A 112 x Giza 2, N A 112 x Giza 3 and r 61/536/69 NEB 319 exhibited significant negative heterosia for shedding percentage. General and specific combining ability (GCA rand SCA) were significant for the number of flowers/flaifl Btem,number of pods/main stem and shedding percentage. High values rof GCA/SCA were also obtained for the three traits. Line N A 112 seems to be the best combiner for low shedding percentage and li ‘ 61/536/69 and Giza 3 for high number of flowers and pods/main stem. SCA effects for low shedding percentage was manifested in the ‘ three crosses; N A 112 x Giza 2; N A 112 x Giza 3 مnd N A 112 x Sevella gaint. The cross Giza 3 x 61/536/69 exhibited. the highest. SCA effects. for higher number of flowers/main stern. Low heritabi1ity estimates were obtained for the three tante. The ad— ditive (D) and dominance components (H1) were significant for the number of flowers and pods/main stem. The overall dominance of heterozygOUs loci (H2) was significant for the three traits. The correlation of parental means and their order of dominance shows that increaser genes were dominant over decreasers for number of flowers and shedding,afld few number of pods was dominant over ‘: high ones. As for parental lines, the line N A 112e contains most , “ of the dominant genes responsible for high number of flowers and low shedding. NEB 319 contains most of the recessive ones. Giza 3 contains most of dominant genes for high number of pods/main stem, meanwhile, N A 112 contains the most recessive ones

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